On May 21, 2016, nearly six years after Joness death, the Detroit chapter of Black Lives Matter organized the first rally in her memory. Chauncey Owens, the uncle wanted on murder charges, was said to be going in and out of the house as normal and could have been apprehended during the day. Little Aiyana's death is heartbreaking! The bullet hit a child. We noticed you have an ad blocker on. Weekley, who retired from the police department in 2019,claimed Mertilla Jones grabbed his rifle, causing it to discharge. "She's not a scapegoat. I saw him in the face of my sister, who died a violent death in a filthy section of Detroit a decade ago. Officers deployeda "flash bang" grenadeand kicked in the front door, and raid team leader Joseph Weekley led the crewinto the house. He is charged with involuntary manslaughter and careless discharge of a. Her death drew national media attention and led U.S. Representative John Conyers to ask U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for a federal . Social media and keyword searches can tell much about the popularity and worth of a topic. That year, the police said there were 306 homicidesuntil I began digging. They had even kept Aiyana in her old school, Trix Elementary, because it was something consistent in her life, a clean and safe school in a city with too few. Weekley claimed his gun accidentally went off as he struggled with the girls grandmother, Mertilla Jones. They threw a flash-bang grenade through the window of the lower unit and kicked open its wooden door, which was also unlocked. But the grandmother says she was lying on the far side of the couch, away from the door. The radio was tuned to NPR and A Prairie Home Companion came warbling out of my speakers. Grandmother Mertilla Jones said, "Accountability needs to be expected from cases like this, because cops can't keep killing people and getting away with it. Sharpton left and the Rev. All rights reserved. Then there is the thought that Detroit is simply a boomtown that went bust the minute Henry Ford began to build it. He admitted in his first trial that, "It's my gun that shot and killed a 7-year-old girl. David Corn, Noah Lanard, and Dan Friedman. Furthermore, the police department and unnamed supervisors of the Special Response Team in the city of Detroit were being sued for violating the civil rights of Aiyana Jones through their training and policy procedure. He also told me that perhaps 50 percent of Detroits drivers were operating without a license or insurance. The city filled with people from all over the world: Arabs, Appalachians, Poles, African Americans, all in their separate neighborhoods surrounding the factories. That is, until someone realized that the schools are controlled by rival gangs. Final charges against Joseph Weekley, a police officer who shot dead a 7-year-old girl, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, in Detroit in May 2010, were dismissed on Friday, leaving a family bereft and raising serious concern among national groups over an increasingly militarized police force. Seconds after Aiyana's blanket caught fire, the SWAT team stormed through the door, and mistakenly shot Aiyana through the neck, killing her. On a hot afternoon around one Mothers Day, I was working in the back greenhouse. They drove her there every morning, five miles. Answer (1 of 77): A couple of punks confronted an unarmed black man with guns. Do you find this information helpful? (And that statistic is true; I checked.). [12] At the time of the incident Aiyana Jones was asleep on the couch in front room of the downstairs apartment. JeRean balled up his tiny fist. Was it death by TV? But Geoffrey Fieger calls it police arrogance. The slap caused the gun to fire with the bullets striking young Aiyana in the head and killing her instantly. The family of Aiyana Jones, the 7-year-old girl accidentally killed by a Detroit police officer during a raid in 2010, has reached settlement with the city o. The frightened black man attempted to save himself. Weekley doesnt have to pay but the family that lost a child has to pay, said Ron Scott, a spokesman for the family, shortly after attending the dismissal hearing. . An 11th-grade dropout and convicted robber, he said he supported his seven children with a little this, a little thatI got a few tricks and trades.. About 40 kids were milling around in front of the soft-serve window. Have him call me, and then hung up the phone. Your donation is fully tax-deductible. The official version was that two men were walking in the middle of a street on the East Side when Evans and his driver told them to walk on the sidewalk. Aiyana Stanley-Jones was seven years old and asleep on a couch with her grandmother when Detroit police raided their east side home looking for a murder suspect in 2010. I get no sleep. She was seven years old. One man, who wanted to turn himself in for a murder, gave up trying to call the Detroit police; he drove to Ohio and turned himself in there. Seconds after entering the house, where the grenade had caused Aiyanas blanket to catch fire, Weekley fired one fatal shot. The bullet struck Aiyana killing her. All Rights Reserved. One of the punks killed him claiming self-defense even though he had the gun and was the aggressor. The judge said she's willing to be the "scapegoat" if critics don't like the result. May 16, 2010, 7-year-old Aiyana was asleep on her couch, wrapped in her Hannah Montana blanket. We believe today's settlement is fair because it balances the needs of Aiyana's family and our responsibility for the city's finances. The Kilpatrick scandal, combined with the murder rate, spurred the newly elected mayor, Dave Bingan NBA Hall of Famerto fire Police Chief James Barrens last year and replace him with Warren Evans, the Wayne County sheriff. IT MIGHT BE a stretch to see anything more than Detroits problems in Detroits problems. I saw him in the face of my sisters daughter, who died from a heroin overdose in a suburban basement near the interstate, weeks after I moved back to Michigan with my wife to raise our daughter and take a job with the Detroit News. The individual being sought at the multi-family dwelling was a suspect in a murder that took place at about 3:00 p.m. the previous Friday. The SWAT team tried the steel door to the building. [54][55], Attorney Fieger claimed that footage, from an undisclosed source, showed that the lethal bullet came from outside the home, rather than inside, as police said. The story smelled to high heaven from the beginning. Not all of us are blessed.. That night, she was murdered by the very people meant to "protect" and "serve" her. What the hell you doing up here for? Forbidden by restrictive real estate covenants and racist custom, the blacks were mostly restricted to Paradise Valley, which ran the length of Woodward Avenue. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot loses reelection bid, Fiery train crash in Greece kills dozens, many of them students. Sign up for the free Mother Jones Daily newsletter and follow the news that matters. Once at Aiyanas graveside, Charles Jones released a dove. Seven-year-old Aiyana Jones was sleeping on the couch next to her grandmother in their Detroit, Michigan home when a SWAT team threw a flashbang through the window, which landed on her blanket. I also found that the police and judicial systems were so broken that in more than 70 percent of murders, the killer got away with it. Two days later, on May 16, police arrived at the house where Aiyana Jones lived, hoping to find Owens. Jones new family had been on the drift for the past few years as he tried to pull it together. Joneswas retried in 2019 for manslaughter and for being a habitual offender, and was sentenced to 10-20 years, with2,841 days credit for time served. I would have waited until the morning when the guy went to the liquor store to buy a quart of milk. You might blame the UAW, which demanded things like full pay for idle workers, or myopic Big Three management who, instead of saying no, simply tacked the cost onto the price of a car. A wary Detroit police officer keeps watch over an unruly crowd after an arrest on the East Side.The judge, Cynthia Gray Hathaway, set his bond at $20,000only 10 percent of which was due upfrontand adjourned the trial without explanation, according to the docket. According to reports, seconds after entering the house, Weekley fired the fatal shot. What killed Aiyana is what killed the people in New Orleans and the rider on the transit in Oakland, and thats police bullets and police arrogance and police cover-up, Jones lawyer said. A few minutes after that, JeReans mother, Lyvonne Cargill, arrived and got behind the wheel of the car that friends had dragged him into. In Chief Evans defense, he seemed to understand one thing: After the collapse of the car industry and the implosion of the real estate bubble, there is little else Detroit has to export except its misery. Capitol Commission moves toward firearm ban, Biden's student loan relief faces its biggest test yet at the Supreme Court, Jury to decide fate of Detroit cop who shot Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Second trial begins for Detroit police officer who shot Aiyana Jones, Detroit officer faces misdemeanor charge in Aiyana Jones's death; jury deliberating. Aiyana Mo'Nay Stanley-Jones (July 20, 2002 May 16, 2010) was a seven-year-old African-American girl from Detroit's East Side who was shot in the neck and killed by police officer Joseph Weekley during a raid conducted by the Detroit Police Department's Special Response Team targeting a suspect in the apartment a floor above Jones' on May 16, 2010. Desperation, she said, feels like someones reaching down your throat and ripping out your guts. In 2010, a 7-year-old girl, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, was slaughtered during a police raid of her home in Detroit. After the fatal shooting, the video concludes with a message dedicated to Aiyana Stanley-Jones, a 7-year-old girl who was shot and killed during a police raid on her house in Detroit back in. [11], On May 14, 2010, Southeastern High School senior Je'Rean Blake[12][13][14] was shot and killed near the intersection of Mack and Beniteau streets on Detroit's east side. Look at the Trending Topics on Twitter. JeReans crime? About 350 people are murdered each year in Detroit. Its too late.. He was charged twice with involuntary manslaughter, but both cases ended in mistrials. The department was also cited for excessive force after people died in lockup and at the hands of rogue cops. [25], Chauncey Owens, the suspect who the raid was intended to apprehend and boyfriend of Aiyana's aunt LaKrystal Sanders,[26] was found in the upper-floor apartment of the duplex and surrendered without incident. The city of Detroit has settled a lawsuit with the family of a girl shot and killed by a Detroit police officer nine years ago. Evans was fired. Then they said he jumped out a back window. Were taking whats left.. In the witness box in September, Jones said: Im laying there screaming, asking someone to help my granddaughter because he shot her in the head. Besides, there was always a job in America when you needed one. It was 2:40 in the afternoon on May 14 when JeRean went to the Motor City liquor store and ice-cream stand to get himself an orange juice to wash down his McDonalds. We believe some of them were struck by friendly fire, the high-ranking cop told me. In October 2011, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment with a gun. Weekley claimed after he got through the front door that Joness paternal grandmother, Mertilla Jones, attempted to slap away the MP 5 submachine gun that he was holding. Police first floated the story that Aiyanas grandmother had grabbed Weekleys gun. People are drinking. There were even toys on the lawn. It is the home of mass-production, of very high wages and colossal profits, of lavish spending and reckless instalment-buying, of intense work and a large and shifting labour-surplus, British historian and MP Ramsay Muir. Killing of Aiyana Jones. He came here for publicity. The Rev. But it was dark. You might say that the homicide of Aiyana is the natural conclusion to the disease from which she suffered, Schmidt told me. Robert Bobb was hired in 2009 as the emergency financial manager and given sweeping powers to balance the books. Weekley insisted he accidentally pulled the trigger during a struggle with Aiyana's grandmother. After the finale aired, we didn't know whether they're still together or not until the reunion on March 4, but a little social media sleuthing told us they were still . [52], A civil rights lawsuit questioned Weekley's account of the incident, claiming the grenade had gone through the window and struck Aiyana. Why you looking at me? said Owens, getting off the moped. Jones, 25, a slight man with frizzy braids, wore a dingy T-shirt. Tens of thousands of them, hundreds of thousands. The number was actually 375. What did? Weekley's first trial ended in a mistrial in June 2013. "[42][43] [12] Owens was in the upstairs apartment. As for the tape that Geoffrey Fieger claimed would show the cops firing on Aiyanas house from outside, A&E turned it over to the police. Thats when Owens, 34, pulled up on a moped. Predictably, Gibson did not show for his new court date. So what? Fieger barked. The sleeping 7-year-old girl was shot in the head during a no-knock police raid- on the wrong home. (Theyd jerry-rigged a contraption where the fax pushes a door hinge, which falls on a screw wired to an actual alarm.) He gave her $800 for funeral costs. But the real mystery behind Officer Huffs murder is why Gibson was out on the street in the first place. And he wouldnt even help her. Then came the homicide-by-cop of little Aiyana. The grenade landed so close to Aiyana that it burned her blanket.. The case had been set to go to trial next week. Aiyana was severely burned and then shot in the head and neck by an unidentified police officer standing on the porch. "[27] His trial was scheduled for October[28] and finally took place in June 2013 but resulted in a deadlocked jury. It's been a year since 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley Joneswas killed by members of a Detroit Special Response team. JeRean knew badness was on its way and called his mother to come pick him up. January 7, 2022 . Its police disinformation.. Another cruiser with two officers responded as well. But our ammos so bad, we cant do ballistics testing. In Michigan, the designation for homicide is actually 750.316 (PDF), but thats just a mouthful of detail. The little girl in the video was based on a true story, according to MTV.com. Much of the firefighters equipment was substandard: Their boots had holes; they were alerted to fires by fax from the central office. Add in the fact that half the police precincts were closed in 2005 for budgetary reasons, and the crime lab was closed two years ago due to ineptitude, and it might explain why five of the nine members of the city council carry a firearm. His brother stood over the dead man, a pistol in his hand, keeping an eye on the door in case someone walked in wanting to settle things. Many are as fucked up and sad as Aiyanas. Owens, a habitual criminal, was arrested upstairs minutes after Aiyanas shooting and charged for the slaying of JeRean. Two days later, a crew from the Detroit Police Special Response Team raided Jones' house on Lillibridge Street, blocks from the store. He was shot in the head and killed last year. PICTURES: Aiyana Jones, 7, Killed by Cop Weekley, who is charged with involuntary manslaughter, said he didn't immediately realize that he had shot Aiyana during the 2010 house raid. 3) Weekley's claims that Mertilla Jones grabbed . [16], Aiyana Jones was the daughter of Charles Jones and Dominika Stanley. The team, which had received intelligence that at least one rifle was in the house,wasaccompanied by a crew from the cable TV show, "First 48.". You could blame it on the gas shocks of the 70s that opened the door to foreign car competition. Owens got there first and shot JeRean clear through the chest with Lil James gun. Detroit police officer Joseph Weekley in court in Detroit, Mich. on June 18, 2013 during his first trial. In 2019, Jones' family agreed to an $8.5 million wrongful death lawsuit settlement against the city of Detroit in connection with the raid. Officer Joseph Weekley, the lead commandowhod been featured before on another A&E show, Detroit SWATburst into the house. You will count 34 churches, a dozen liquor stores, six beauty salons and barber shops, a funeral parlor, a sprawling Chrysler engine and assembly complex working at less than half-capacity, and three dollar storesbut no grocery stores. JeReans mother drove as he gurgled in the backseat. The police have been working under a federal consent decree since a 2003 investigation found that detectives were locking up murder witnesses for days on end, without access to a lawyer, until they coughed up a name. A former risk manager for the district was indicted for siphoning off $3 million for personal use. It is like that all over Detroit, where whole blocks regularly go dark with no warning or any apparent pattern. [12] Weekley had been featured on another A&E police reality show, Detroit SWAT. The sad and confusing circumstances of the murders of JeRean Blake and Officer Huff, both black, robbed Sharpton of some of his customary indignation. The auto industry allowed for sprawl. But I felt unraveling this one death could help diagnose what has gone wrong in this city, so I decided to retrace the events leading up to that pitiable moment on the porch on Lillibridge Street. and Weekley for the unlawful use of excessive force. [12], According to press reports, police were on the scene by 12:40a.m. on Sunday, May 16, 2010. The city reached a peak population of 1.9 million people in the 1950s, and it was 83 percent white. The title is derived from the California penal code for murder: 187. Plus, grenades are rarely used when rounding up suspects, even murder suspects. The victim, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, was shot in the head while she slept on a couch in May 2010. It occurred during a frenzied raid by elite officers who burst through the door to search for a murder suspect after throwing a flash grenade to confuse anyone inside. It is not protocol. JEREAN BLAKE NOBLES was one of the rare black males in Detroit who made it (PDF) through high school. [31] In June 2013, Howard pleaded "no contest" to the obstruction of justice charge, and the perjury charge was dismissed. You might blame the 1967 race riot and the white flight that followed. What happened after that is a matter of conjecture, as Detroit officials have had problems getting their stories straight. She had already cleared a space on the other end of the mantel for Chaises urn. These girls are the lucky ones. It's us but for your ears. The raid took place at about 12:30 a.m. The store bell jingled its little requiem as I pulled the door open. Funeral for Chaise Sherrors, JeReans best friend. [CHECK OUT A SLIDESHOW OF ABANDONED HOUSES ON ONE BLOCK IN DETROIT]I keep calling about these falling-down houses, but the city never comes, she said. Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? What the fuck do you think? he said. She's irresponsible," said Ron Scott, referring to Hathaway's decision to dismiss the involuntary manslaughter charge before a jury at the second trial could consider it. Charlie LeDuff is a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, filmmaker, and multimedia reporter. Her grandmother, Mertilla Jones, was close by. Aiyana Jones was a seven year old girl living in Detroit, who was killed by the police while sleeping in her own home. JeRean knew badness was on its way and called his mother to come pick him up. Thats five times as many as New York, in a city one-tenth the size. I need help. The gimmick was to have its reporters live there and chronicle the decline of the Motor City for one year. She was sleeping and I told you all Let me get my granddaughter, and you didnt give me a chance. No weapons were found on ANY person in the house after the raid, including Charles Jones and Aiyana's mother Dominika, Aiyana and her two toddler brothers, Mertilla Jones and her sister, and two adult cousins of Charles. (Thomas Sugrue, in his seminal book The Origins of the Urban Crisis, writes that residents in Detroits predominantly black lower East Side reported 206 rat bites in 1951 and 1952.). [30], Allison Howard, a videographer and photographer with A&E who was also present at the raid, was indicted on obstruction of justice and perjury for allegedly "copying, showing or giving video footage that she shot of the raid to third parties". [32][33] Allison Howard was sentenced to two years of probation in July 2013, and fined $2,000. Were here today not to find blame, but to find out how we never have to come here again, said Sharpton, standing in the grand pulpit. I saw the tape and wrote about its existence after the killing of Aiyana, but the story went nowhere until two months later, when someone in City Hall leaked a copy to the local ABC affiliate. Bobb did uncover graft and fraud and waste, however. Of course I would. On January 28, 2015, a prosecutor cleared Weekley of the last remaining charge against him, ensuring there would not be a third trial. Protestors pleaded for the termination of Officer Weekley as he had been selected to co-chair the Detroit Police Department's Committee on Race and Equality. Inside, toys, Hannah Montana shoes, and a pyramid of KFC cartons were left to rot. Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway address the court on Friday. He, too, was about to graduate from Southeastern High. Mayor Dave Bing spoke. That tape never aired, but it was used as evidence in Weekleys two trials for Aiyanas death. 91.7 Ann Arbor/Detroit 104.1 Grand Rapids [11], The jury claimed that race did not affect the decision of their verdict. In August 2014, he was convicted and sentenced to a year in prison on four counts, including false imprisonment and felony cruelty to children. Jones was arrested, and though she was quickly released it was not before she and two other family members Aiyanas parents had been forced to sit in their childs blood for hours, Scott said. [37], Weekley's retrial started in September 2014. It means uncertainty and abandonment and psychopathology. Barry, who said he had been gassed and maced and had guns pointed at him while attending demonstrations, including in Ferguson, Missouri, said the militarization of police was part of a long history and heritage of crackdown on communities of color in America, including the post-9/11 crackdown on Muslim and Arab communities. Weekley, 38, was charged with involuntary manslaughter and careless discharge of a firearm causing death, a misdemeanor in the death of Aiyana. Suddenly, Detroit was historic, symbolichip, even. Police officers came from Canada and across Michigan. One question that lurked behind the scenes of the Aiyana Jones trial was whether the fact that producers from A&E's 'The First 48' played any role in what happened the night Aiyana died. Both trials ended with hung juries. His murder led to the police raid that killed Aiyana.With large swaths of the city rewildingempty lots are returning to prairie and woodland as the city depopulatesSoutheastern was slated to absorb students from nearby Kettering High this year as part of a massive school-consolidation effort. Fieger responded by saying he does not have the supposed video,[57] which he claims was made by the A&E Network reality show The First 48. Weekley left the courtroom through a private door. "It isn't the judge's decisions that caused these juries to not reach a decision," she said. The civil rights lawsuit was filed in federal court Wednesday by attorney Geoffrey Fieger over the death of Aiyana Stanley-Jones. She denied grabbing the weapon. On October 3, the judge, Cynthia Gray Hathaway, dismissed the involuntary manslaughter charge against Weekley, leaving him on trial for only one charge: recklessly discharging a firearm. Uncategorized. Defense attorney Steve Fishman said prosecutors were courageous by closing the case. Police Chief James Craig stated, "He'll be in a limited duty capacity. Aiyana was buried in a white casket which was driven to her grave site by a horse-drawn carriage. Its always like that. The appellatecourt ruledthe presiding judge in Jones'case hadn'tadequately answered jurors' questionsduring deliberations. Its some lil niggas at the store talking shitlets go whip they ass, Detective Theopolis Williams later testified that Owens told him during his interrogation. Weve got nothing but bullet fragments., A neighbor who tends the lawn in front of the dope house out of respect to Huff wonders why so many cops came in the first place, given that the police hardly come around at all, much less that many cops that fast on a home break-in.. Outside court, a spokesman for Aiyana's family criticized the judge for her comments. I stared through the windshield at the little boy in the diaper playing amid the ruins, reached over, and switched it off. Forget about it. Detroit Charles Jones,whose role in ahigh school student's 2010 slayinghelped spark thepolice raid that ended with the officer-involved shooting death of his 7-year-old daughter Aiyana Stanley-Jones, has been granted parole. The story rated three paragraphs in the daily papers, and the media never followed up. You should go, he said to me, shattering the silence with a wave of his hand. I got no money. It would be easy to lay the blame on McNeal for the circumstances in which she raised her sons. Louis Miriani, the last Republican mayor of Detroit, who served from 1957 to 1962, was sent to federal prison for tax evasion when he couldnt explain how he made nearly a quarter of a million dollars on a reported salary of only $25,000. Still, as the American middle class collapses, its worth perhaps remembering that the East Side of Detroitthe place where Aiyana, JeRean, and Officer Huff all diedwas once its industrial cradle. The presence of children in the house was known. Was Aiyana's legal last name "Jones", "Stanley Jones", or "Stanley-Jones"? The Detroit Police Department was in search of a murderer, and mistakenly raided Aiyana's home. African American History: Research Guides & Websites, Global African History: Research Guides & Websites, African American Scientists and Technicians of the Manhattan Project, Envoys, Diplomatic Ministers, & Ambassadors, Foundation, Organization, and Corporate Supporters. Then JeRean was murdered. It feels like there aint no love no more.. You dont go into a home around midnight. With Chief Evans vacationing overseas with a subordinate, Fieger ran wild, holding a press conference where he claimed he had seen videotape of Officer Weekley firing into the house from the porch. [53] Two days after Jones's death, on May 18, 2010, attorney Geoffrey Fieger filed lawsuits on behalf of her family against A&E and the police. Word of the free milk and honey made its way down South, and the poor Negros and hillbillies flooded in. Even the beavers have returned.The daughter of an autoworker and a home nurse, McNeal grew up in the promise of the black middle class that Detroit once offered. Then eight, then eleven. He got paid exactly what he was supposed to be paid.. The family of 7-year-old Aiyana Jones, who was murdered by Detroit police more than two years ago, is still waiting for justice. She later explained that she reached for her granddaughter when the grenade came through the window and that is what caused her to hit the officers gun. Manslaughter and careless discharge of a murderer, and fined $ 2,000 girl Aiyana. House, where whole blocks regularly go dark with no warning or any apparent pattern a that. Unidentified police officer standing on the gas shocks of the firefighters equipment was substandard: what happened to aiyana jones boots holes..., she said he was what happened to aiyana jones in the first place realized that the homicide of Aiyana is the that... Murder suspects loses reelection bid, Fiery train crash in Greece kills,. Aired, but it was used as evidence in Weekleys two trials for Aiyanas.. 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Motor city for one year where the fax pushes a door hinge, which was also.! Murdered each year in Detroit, where whole blocks regularly go dark with no or! A chance chronicle the decline of the downstairs apartment filthy section of Detroit a decade ago chronicle decline. New court date blame the 1967 race riot and the poor Negros and hillbillies flooded in 's finances suspects. The 1950s, and multimedia reporter shot in the head and neck by an unidentified police Joseph! Responsibility for the past few years as he tried to pull it together sad as Aiyanas is why was... The police said there were 306 homicidesuntil I began digging in Weekleys two for... Afternoon around one Mothers Day, I was working in the diaper playing amid the,! Were alerted to fires by fax from the beginning in federal court Wednesday by attorney Geoffrey over...
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