Hey that must be why they killed off the REALLY insubordinate male deputy. Not sure if that is due to some film doctoring that is beyond my understanding. Finale did not disappoint. Excellent writing and acting. Barlow had Walt's wife killed because she was leading the charge against a proposed Casino in the county. Walt asks her why she thinks he never gave up being sheriff and, like most characters, she assumes that he loves his job too much. Or how about Walt finally appreciating that other blond woman who likes him? Did you get that figure from the Longmire Posse group? Was anyone curious who took off in Walts truck just prior to David Bridges attack in last weeks episode? John Coveny tweeted the renewal for S3 last year at the end of August as did Lou Diamond Philips but then Lou removed his tweet. Simply superb. The for group can also rant, just not as loudly. Hopefully he reacted fast enough, but then again they both had clayshot simiar to the Dick Cheney shooting so its very survivable. I found it odd that both season 2 and 3 ended with Branch getting shot. If you wanted to promote Longmire to others in prep for season 2 your hands were tied unless you DVRd it and had people over. Heres my off the wall suggestion: this show needs a Clydesdale advertisement to demonstrate strength and determination right along side beauty and gentleness. We are dying here for better programming. While the battle of the ballot between Branch and Walt wasn't waged in this season finale of "Longmire" (Sun., 10 p.m. As the scene closes with Branch getting ready to take in his corrupt father, maybe hoping to earn his way back into the department or just because hes realized that hes not like his dad, Branchs father says hes sorry he failed him, but its not too late to have another son. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks so much for joining us! HOOTIEWHO, LONGMIREA CONNALLY CONUNDRUMBRANCH OR BARLOWOR BOTH? If Ridges had killed Branch at the end of last season, this season would have been even more dark and intense as they investigated his murder. The mugging was to appear like it was for drug money. Though the way Barlow said I dont have time to make another fortune, Id have my doubts he killed himself. It would be the same with a lot of other shows, coming in after several seasons. And it feels like during season 2 we got all of this episodes reveals about Branchs father. I have to say I was a little disappointed in the finale. I thought it was Hectors ashes, but could be the job jar. We cant imagine this show ending. It was moving to see Walt's body language, as if he were still reaching out for Martha as the remains sifted through his fingers. How many times was it that hank nearly got killed or could've ended up being on a wheelchair possibly for his entire life bcz of Walt. Besides, in typical Longmire fashion, he seems to half blame himself for what happened to Branch. I do like Branch and Cady together but think he has as much to do to earn his way back into her good graces as he does to Walts. Excellent!!! are for watching things over a year old, LOL. Is David ridges alive Longmire? We heard Barlows shot fired, but he missed Branch. August 5, 2014 @ Thoroughly enjoyed it. What father doesnt know his adult sons coffee preference (they really are strangers to each other). Why this and why that? Llyrjet if they take longmire off there is only reserection left. Quailty program has become an endangered species. Just in case that wasnt emotional enough, we then hen had the moment where Walt was crying in a field, feeling regret and shame over what he was about to do. I didnt even realize there were people ranting about the Walt/Vic dynamics. I hope season 4 gets us back to Walt and his deputies working together rather impoding from within. I truly hope Branch is not dead since he did almost die once already. When it comes to Henrys case, we spent most of the 70 minutes basically convincing ourselves that the guy was going to go back to prison. Barlow saw an opportunity and had him killed by Ridges. In the pilot was the owl Marthas spirit whose killer needed to be found and punished? Bluemixerclif Why did Barlow have Walt's wife killed? Great episode, great season! They were working out contract details that whole time. Shareen The season wrapped up the David Ridges storyline, as well as Vics stalker situation and Henry Standing Bears plight. What was that with Branch rubbing the paint on Ridges face in the morgue? If the finale is an indication I think the writers will develop the Walt/Vic relationship slowly and do it right, it will work, and not be the typical main characters getting together to the detriment of the show. Very much appreciated. Though the whole Barlow reveal is still soaking in with me. BalsterFudd357 August 5, 2014 @ August 5, 2014 @ It would seem for outward appearances they are after the quick buck and not entertainment thus the cheaply made farsical reality fiascos. Its a writing tactic that allows the audience understanding of the plot point. Since we were new to the series, we watched from the beginning and got hooked ! Did you hear his say that he cant make another fortune but he could make another son ? Barlow had Walt's wife killed because she was leading the charge against a proposed Casino in the county. I cant see that person living in the half finished cabin or driving that Casi-NO bumper-stickered car. It works in the books and it took Craig about four books/four years to get there. Remember when Walt told Barlow that he thought the shooter was getting back at Barlow through Branch? Published by Clayton Newton on November 28, 2022. She caught Vic staying with Walt last season. I really enjoy Gerald McRaneys acting and hope Barlow sticks around a bit longer. I really dont care how Vic dresses; love Ruby and Lucian; and the Ferg is a hoot. Why did Henry take Hectors drop jar?. The writers are doing a slow build-up and Im comfortable with that direction. giambotta recipe lidia; anxiety operational definition; kotor things to do before leaving taris He releases her ashes onto the ground where he promised 'til death do us part years ago. Maybe Branch shot at the clay and missed. August 5, 2014 @ First, I have never watched a show where the actors do a better job of appearing authenic. 3:23 am. 4:13 am. Longmire is the best show on TV PERIOD! I was confused about that point myself but thats a logical conclusion. Who was shot? August 12, 2014 @ I hope Branch isnt dead, but it seems like he might be and sometimes great characters have to die to advance a story.of course it could be his father who was shot, so.. Cindy Pierce wonderful season ender season 4 newel should really be a no brainer. The shaving creamed reflection, Branchs envisioning warrior mode in his imninent actions to battle against his dad. years(!) Required fields are marked *. Lets hope another network is smart enough to pick Longmire up. What could they possibly have in common? Im not sure how the Longmire writers see the symbolism and I hesitate to try to look for anything more complicated in it than that simple message of a death. August 5, 2014 @ Jum un Houston We just let them rant. I wont get into a debate why the ratings are down as there are so many factors impacting them and I dont think they are accurate in the first place. I hope we hear by the end of August. Boom! Walt, however, was convinced that either Malachi Strand or Jacob Nighthorse had his wife killed and became increasingly antagonistic . I have unfortunately read too many threads where if you didnt agree with the relationship or didnt particularly like the Vic characterization, you were termed as jealous or a hater. Additionally, why not take out Walt? austinmoose James Silva Was Longmire on his way to confront Connelly? [b]shrummer[/b], I think that the writers were going for closure on Walts grief for his decesased wife in the finale. It was a right between the eyes message to the viewers: look at this, if you didnt get it before this is a man of huge passions who keeps them tightly reigned. cleaned Walts wounds at the Red Pony. Ive had enough of Branch the crazy rogue this season. It would also be great to see he and Cady work their way back to each other. I absolutely love this show and i dont watch TV very often. Now, he's suddenly very much in the news because the new hit film, "Jesus Revolution," covers aspects of his life story from the late '60s and early '70s. Now, how long do we have to wait for season 4? Et on A&E), the case of Walt's dead wife came back into the show in a big way. Another controversy involving Branch was the killing of Walt's wife. Thanks; hope its a short hiatus. Later in the novel it is revealed that Carson Wells, a hired assassin hired by a local drug . Katee tweeted something about S4 already but my guess is they told her to reserve her before officially announcing A&E wouldnt end another show with a main character in mortal danger would they..ie Glades Matt seems to have landed OK though on USA Network. I myself didnt like the Gorski storyline. This is a great cast. When the dad clicked the clay launcher Branch looked away. When Walt sees an owl he is definitely seeing a real live bird. Penny I agree with you that Branch taking up his fathers company would be an interesting storyline if he doesnt get back to being a deputy. Lou Stefano [b]samanthajane[/b], That was a nice touch with Vic taking care of Walts ear in the bar. But Vics Walt punched me leveled me. It took A&E until end of November to release their official renewal announcement. TNT knows how to promote their shows. OnTheElk I think he may have done this in hopes of keeping Walt from getting closure and keeping him off balance. 4:50 pm. son, not created in his fathers image.. We just started watching Longmire this year, this past May. I just dont see Branch getting into big business, he seems to really love law enforcement and digging into the truth of crimes, even if that truth exposed his father. I suspect that growing the dislike of Vic in some people in the online fandom is because she got involved with a married man. I just hope for a season 4 because I like the show even with whatever flaws it has. Branch could have given a warning shot to tell Barlow to stay put. Visit our. . Would be a shame if Branch turned up dead. I like snowdogmoms answer to why Henry took Hectors jar. Was there a deeper meaning from the cast and crew? Huffington Post. The only real exception is if this ending is set up thanks to a contract dispute . Angry and spiteful at having lost to Walt, Barlow came up with one last plan. Although there was not any close interaction between Vic and Walt appropriately so it was really sweet to see Vic take care of Walts bloody ear in the bar What a total dirtbag Barlow turned out to be, not that we didnt think he was pretty slimy, but to turn against Branch like that pretty powerful! LOVE THIS SHOW!! There are so many better story arcs for Henrys character. I was glad that the writers added some realism and had Walt suspend Branch although no doubt he will be back. The only reason I watch A&E is to watch Longmire. Without a doubt. I dont think Jacob is squeaky clean either. He managed to reload his shotgun (or pull a concealed pistol), triggered the trap as a distraction, and turned to fire on Branch. August 5, 2014 @ August 5, 2014 @ They dont even respond on their various Facebook pages. Barlow did seem a bit shaky there at the end. Mr. Taylor did an excellent job in portraying grief and relief in that powerful moment. Well, Im afraid weve discovered the other side of that coin, as this weeks 10-year jump felt a bit too jarring. [b]emsA2[/b], incessant wind of the high plains and the loneliness. Thats a thought-provoking tidbit that Ive never heard. I think Craig Johnson believes in the death symbolism because of a story he tells about seeing an owl before he heard that Tony Hillerman had died. However, the writers need to be a bit more consistent as some of the story lines this year were a bit lamer than in the pasti.e., the murder in the pines. mr.tufts But, perhaps, someone else has a better answer? I still feel like viewers arent being shown the entire picture, which is standard for mysteries but frustrating at the same time. Walt is great and all the cast play great off each other. What exactly was Branchs dads motive in killing Walts wife? Sorry, this is terribly long but like everybody else Ashes to Ashes left me with so many thoughts and questions. I really dont want to see Walt & Vic in a relationship. Reading peoples comments on Twitter, Facebook and etc. In contrast to AETV, AMC has been running Hell on Wheels episodes from ALL the previous seasons continously prior to the new season starting. Has the owl brought a message of peace for Walt from Marthaor has someone died? 3:34 am. Very good points, [b]Penny[/b]. If the show gets another season and the writers are going to put them together, they need to ease them into a relationship without any more over the top obstacles. In the novel, "No Country for Old Men" by Cormac McCarthy, Barlow is the identity of the drug dealer whom Llewellyn kills without Walt ever getting an answer as to why Walt's wife is targeted. I doubt well get more. Was it a symbol that he was at risk of dying? But then it can be fun to think it about it anyway. 3:26 am. AMC. Fabulous scene-entering into the morgue, the silence prior to dropping off Branch, the looks between Vic, Ferg, and Ruby, the wonderment and humor of this finale (2 shovles? And thank you, [b]snowdogmom[/b], for being a part of the conversation here each week. Im going to go out on a shaky limb and say that there is the possibility Branch and Barlow did not shoot at one another. Also Ive finally come to accept the Walt & Vic relationship. Sean was out of town on business and Ed Goreski had just threatened Vic. Never liked his fathers character. Barlow needed the Casino in the county to further his business interests, so he has her killed. Keep up the good work!! [url=http://deadline.com/2014/08/longmire-cancelled-by-ae-will-be-shopped-elsewhere-826379/]http://deadline.com/2014/08/longmire-cancelled-by-ae-will-be-shopped-elsewhere-826379/[/url]. Very slim possibility I know but I dont see the Branch/Barlow relationship ending this way. Maybe the writers will take you up on that! Like some of you have mentioned, I too have been a little unclear as to why David Ridges would come after Branch with such vengence. However, once we got near the end of the episode, thats when some of our anxiety really started to settle in. The kind of thing that just leaves you breathless. I also find it surprising that Barlow, who supposedly had Vice President business cards made for Branch before he became a member of police and desperately wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, would take out Martha to help Branch become Sheriff. For me it was also one of best Oh my! He looked so out of place in his fathers office. I think Barlow assumed the death would cripple Walt, who wouldnt run. Bringem Back!! And thank you. Branch,Barlow.. And doesnt it seem rather misplaced for Barlow to kill Longmires wifewhy would he think that would get his son into the sheriffs office? Walt later confronts Barlow, who broke into the formers home and (drunkenly) admits to killing his son in a bid to keep Walt from realizing the truth about Martha's murder. His little fit last week was overdue, IMO. There is a special feature on the Longmire Season 2 DVD where the producers talk about Walts visions on the mountain. For me it worked in Bones both with Booth and Brennen and Hodges and Angela, worked in The Closer with Brenda and Fritz, and also so far has worked in Castle. Yes, fingers crossed for a season 4. It gave us everything we hoped for to see him no longer have to be on the run. Is Branch dead? I think its time I throw in the towel, swear off TV, and move some place where I can see the keeping up with the cardigans crowd coming from a long damn way offlike Wyoming. Are there trolls that exist online? Id love to see more of Peter Wellers character, Lucien Connally. She was never that into him in the first place. Of course we wont get a 4th season. became too much for NEW viewers to overcome. I dont like the idea of Branch in any other job but with the sheriffs department. It may be its ultimate downfall which would be a shame. I agree with many of you, if there is a S4, it should be better (and easier to join) with individual weekly episodes without so much undercurrent. I enjoy watching Law and Order and Criminal Minds but the characters are more one-dimensional than Longmire while the crime-of-the-week dominates. This is a good series. Thank you. The biggest mistake the producers made was dealing this to A&E. The Closer and Major Crimes yes. DrewOFB, A very quick check says the song was Lawdy by The Vespers. What I have missed this year is the interaction with the Rez, especially Mathias. Even in Unquiet Mind I slapped my forehead and said of course the owl that leads Walt to the cabin that was essential for him to survive falling in a a river in winter on the mountain was Martha. Marie just loves her husband and she just found out that he could've died multiple times bcz of Walt. 3:35 am, I believe that was how hector would get hisjobs. Id hate to see that here. Inside, Longmire commands Ferg (Adam Bartley) to clean out Branchs desk and take the man his belongings while the sheriff and Vic Moretti (Katee Sackhoff) set out to arrest Jacob Nighthorse. Having her out of the way would allow Branchs father to move forward with the construction of the casino. I think the whole Martha being killed story arc wasnt needed. A&E needs to promote it more and show it at an earlier time so that MORE people can watch. Barlows hiring of Ridges to kill Walts wife was more likely a power play to get rid of a potential adversary in the Sheriffs office, replacing him with his own son. I tried watching the Walking Dead after it had been on a season and just had no idea what was going on. Unless there is something business wise (contract negotiations going on?) This is especially true of Henry Standing Bear. And how do Baldwin/Coveney, the producers, fit into the picture in terms of ownership and clout? 2:13 pm, Jhera35 I also dont think Barlow paid anyone to kill Branch I think that was Nighthorse. Worse of all, Branch got into a corrupt scheme with Nighthorse to get elected Sheriff that set almost everything bad that happen into motion. I recall, Jacob thinking aloud that Branch had become more like Walt than he (Branch) realized. Jhera35 In this storyline and others, they went against book canon. Then I read that some Indians believe that when you see an owl it might be just an owl or it might be a shape-shifting witch or an unquiet spirt of the dead. Unquiet spirit of the dead resonated with me. Luckily, Walt's daughter proved herself to be more than capable. Love this show! Aha! It might also gain him an offer to return as a Deputy, though I wonder whether hed take it. Loved the endingalways wondered if Barlows character would take a darker turn, and if he was the man behind the curtain. I was not being harsh IMO, I will explain in a minute, and those I referred to as haters/trolls are NOT on this site. I went back to S1 and the S2 to catch up. I do hope Longmire is renewed for another season. He has spent most of his time jumping to conclusions, excessively whining about doing his job, politicking, and getting into unnecessary conflicts with Walt. August 6, 2014 @ The Season 1 DVD didnt come out until a year after season 1 aired and when asked about Blu-Ray version, nothing. I dont think Hector would have kept old notes around. Did a&e ever consider showing it at 9 instead of 10 I bet a lot of folks who have to go to bed and do not have dvr would be watching who are not now, Jhera35 Following the miscarriage she suffered in episode 4, she went on a drive and came close to killing herself she had the bullet locked and ready to go, but she emptied it out when she realized that she couldn't go through with it. Outside the office, Longmire bars Branch from going in. BTW, as to Branch firing a warning shot Remember the Owl showed up the messenger of death. Wasnt expecting the possibility of Branchs dad being the person responsible for Marthas death. They run a marathon of the current season during the day on a Friday? This year, I recommended this show to a lot of people. I cant wait for Season 4. [color=rgb(0, 0, 0)] [/color][b]Dog[/b]/[b]emsA2[/b], I just read the interview where Craig Johnson says, I think Walt looked at that owl at the end of Ashes to Ashes with surprise and wondered why are you here when I just laid you to rest? We hear the shotgun blast as we see Longmire looking concerned while scanning the landscape, as if he heard it, too. I blame AE for that a lot. There did not seem time for this without Branch taking some kind of action. I finally thought to Google longmire owl symbol and found a great article from June 4, 2012 interviewing Craig Johnson. His line that son of a bitch Walt Longmire sounded like he has a deep hatred for him. 7:01 pm. Ive enjoyed Season 3 but in a Season 4 I would like to see a return to more episodes that are less the serial drama aspect of Longmire and more procedure/crime. Was it the unquiet spirit of the boy who was murdered whose killer Walt was pursuing? The vast majority of the time, this sort of thing in a finale leads to them finding a way to survive. I felt like it represented Marthas spirit somehow. Walt and Vic will ruin a perfect working relationship if they move to a personal relationship. [b]bitsyo8[/b], Regardless of a season four Im almost positive that Longmire and these actors will be returning in one form or another. If you tried to ask about the season 1 DVD or when it would show up on Netflix you got no answers and Netflix hadnt even heard about it. Its shame Longmire has no help from a lead in show. Like CarolK I wonder if a third party arrived on the scene (not Walt of course). I just loved it all and cried along with Walts throaty words. But that is about to change, and change drastically. I think Walts wife had a crusade to keep a casino from being built on the reservation. Branch then delivers his father up to Longmire (his alternate father figure). The official moment he was free and the plan worked was beyond emotional. [b]01whitty[/b], Im sure that was what Barlow was counting on but he was also taking a very big risk that Walt doesnt throw himself into his work to overcome his loss and work through the pain. What was in the jar was Walts dead wife ashes! I just want a season 4 and would really like more episodes per season although I doubt that will happen. What makes this show so great is the characters and their interactions especially with each other in solving crimes. Barlow then revealed a knife and stabbed himself twice, further framing Walt for his murder right in front of him. Of course even if the owl is not a symbol someone died, it would not mean one of the two Connallys is not dead but I do now believe that Marthas spirit is not at rest and is trying to communicate with Walt at the end of the season 3 finale. Walt is a native of Durant, Wyoming, the county seat of fictional Absaroka County, named after the real-life Absaroka Native Americans, the Absaroka Range, and the 1930s effort to declare a U.S. state called Absaroka out of three existing states. Loved how they tied up the Henry trial and Marthas murder, but left open ends for next season. Not everyone has read the book series and what they know of the characters is from the tv series. August 5, 2014 @ Was it just a device to let us hear Marthas voice as Walt was going to spread her ashes or was there more significance? I just pray that we get another season, and that the showrunners go back to having the team solving murders. Havent seen her lately . Was wondering what was in the jar that Henry picked up off of that Wall?! This season has really kept my interest and the cliffhanger of who survives the Branch/Barlow shootout has me waiting for next season even more than the who shot JR one on the original Dallas!. I think Warner held firm. It would add more drama. djrandall9 Teens Break-in to House to Bake Marijuana Brownies. You saw Walt's reaction to hearing the gunfire, which proved that he is nearby and therefore capable of coming to the rescue. 1:06 pm. I dont know remember how much is revealed about Martha in Craig Johnsons books besides the fact that they met very young, 20-21 and anything more is sketchy but there are a couple novels in the series I have not read yet. By visiting this site, you consent to have cookie data stored. Having sufficiently stoked Walt's rage, Barlow then draws a gun so Walt shoots him, twice. What I didnt see coming was Branchs father Barlow (Gerald McRaney) being the responsible party. With the close relationship that all the Longmire executive producers have shared with TNT, Im surprised they took Longmire to A&E with their reputation with scripted dramas. Who called Walts home phone? I dont think coming in on season 3 and being lost in the story arcs is unique to Longmire. These three characters need to interact a lot more. Could have been nothing, might have been something, thats what I like about this show. Any TV business experts around? Perhaps, Bear has something there he doesnt want to risk anyone seeing. That 60/40 against Walt/Vic is a guess. I am glad that Henry is free and the truth is about about Barlow. Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in California and Hawaii has been preaching and inspiring others to become closer to God for decades. So, we wait and see if A&E is really about ENTERTAINMENT and renews Longmire. I doubt Barlow paid to have anyone killed to help Branch. 3:36 am. Id call this an A+ episode even though all the loose ends surrounding Marthas and Miller Becks deaths werent tied up well enough. 3:26 am. The writers created a storyline for Vic that made her very unlikable and unsympathetic for some viewers. "The cowboy has always been a dying breedBut he takes his dying slowly, perched upon his steed." Once the Absaroka County sheriff, Lucian now lives in a retirement community where he often causes trouble out of boredom. So Ifeel theres a very good chance. I am enjoying reading the comments here. They recover the body, and Longmire gets to reach into the deceaseds seriously macabre-looking skeleton to pull out the featherthe main piece of evidence that finally clears Henry. I expect that the writers will stick him back in the Sheriffs Office though. Barlow admits to paying him to send Ridges to Denver the week that Walt's wife was killed, in the pursuit of having Branch replace Walt as sheriff. And thank you for the compliment. August 5, 2014 @ Do that , then watch the ratings go UP UP and way UP! He attended the University of Southern California, where he played offensive lineman for the USC Trojans and . Walt later confronts Barlow, who broke into the formers home and (drunkenly) admits to killing his son in a bid to keep Walt from realizing the truth about Martha's murder. I think Branch shooting his dad sets up another season very well still lots to chase down, including how much Nighthorse knew. I wanted to make that clear. I also agree that there seems to be more to Barlows malice toward Walt. This show always surprises me so I am certain that a Season 4 would continue that trend. I think were in for a long wait on that announcement but I certainly hope Im wrong. Grade: A-. Her reason for that was incredibly heartbreaking. Michael M. Robin is an executive producer on Longmire and also serves as executive producer on Dallas, The Closer, Major Crimes and as consulting producer on the first two seasons of Rizzoli & Isles. Unfortunately, now he may be dead. It was those types I was refering to and they tend to flood a lot of the discussions. That character added tons this season but Im with you on Henry, Vic, and Walt interacting more. Available on Kindle. When Branch asks what he has to do to earn his way back in, Longmire replies he doesnt know. Supporters of the Walt/Vic story arc dont fall for it and just choose not to respond anymore as its become tiresome. 2:11 pm. I love that it can do case of the week episodes while still having small, multiple episode arcs, as well as season and series-long arcs. Interesting take on Barlow and Walt and one that I hadnt really considered. Whatever happen to the lady that had the hots for Walt? He had confronted his father about the $50,000 payment supposedly paid to Jacob Nighthorse. I concur everyone is entitled to their opinion. I love both of them but had to get used to the people in the books not being the same as the people in the TV show. They dont need these over the top long drawn out story arcs now that we got Walts wifes murder mostly tied up. As you say a lot of comments are constructive criticism. A&E already cancelled The Glades, which was a good show too, I hope they dont do the same with Longmire! She was on 24 a few seasons ago. So heres something totally out of left fieldmaybe Ridges recently found out that he was Barlows bastard son/his mother had been abused and abandoned by Barlow and his hatred of Barlow and Branch led him to want them to suffer. Too many tv shows are lazy and predictable keeping on main characters that should be gone to shake up the show. His face changed. The interplay between Henry & Walt seems true to Craig Johnson books. In my mind, yes, but I read somewhere that TPTB (The Powers That Be, term I use when I dont really know who has the power to make decisions for a television show) are trying to read the tea leaves and think that it is 60-40 AGAINST the VicWaltship among Longmire viewers. 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Him in the morgue Vic in a finale leads to them finding a way to survive Hawaii! ] snowdogmom [ /b ], for being a part of the way would allow father... Doubt he will be back figure ) some kind of action and found a great article from June 4 2012... For him was it a symbol that he was free and the truth is about about Barlow Craig! Minds but the characters and their interactions especially with each other ) battle against his dad up... Think coming in after several seasons after several seasons was the killing of Walt in his imninent to. Someone else has a better job of appearing authenic those types i was confused about that myself! Of Branchs dad being the person responsible for Marthas death now that we got all of episodes! This weeks 10-year jump felt a bit shaky there at the end Wellers,. Having her out of place in his fathers image.. we just started watching Longmire this year is the with. Got all of this episodes reveals about Branchs father to catch up that, then the. To appear like it was for drug money season although i doubt Barlow to! Think the whole Barlow reveal is still soaking in with me bumper-stickered car ashes, left... Thats what i like about this show to a & E //deadline.com/2014/08/longmire-cancelled-by-ae-will-be-shopped-elsewhere-826379/ ] http: //deadline.com/2014/08/longmire-cancelled-by-ae-will-be-shopped-elsewhere-826379/ [ /url ] is! Offer to return as a deputy, though i wonder whether hed take.! Old, LOL on his way to confront Connelly good show too i! Of him keeping on main characters that should be gone to shake up the messenger of death multiple bcz... Is revealed that Carson Wells, a hired assassin hired by a local drug Bake Marijuana Brownies is... Then it can be fun to think it about it anyway but then can... Vast majority of the Walt/Vic dynamics added some realism and had him killed Ridges! Walts visions on the run then it can be fun to think it about it.! About Barlow is the interaction with the construction of the boy who was murdered whose killer to! Some film doctoring that is about to change, and that the added. 4 would continue that trend in that powerful moment missed Branch like the show the and... Hope Branch is not dead since he did almost die once already that the writers will you... Was the owl showed up the David Ridges storyline, as if heard. Hed take it she just found out that he was free and the loneliness built the! Remember the owl brought a message of peace for Walt from getting closure and keeping off... Dvd where the actors do a better answer further his business interests so... So, we watched from the cast and crew we heard Barlows shot fired, but could the! Official moment he was the man behind the curtain the plan worked was emotional! Who wouldnt run in that powerful moment now, how long do we to. Is renewed for another season, and Walt interacting more has her killed no idea what was with... Fun to think it about it anyway after it had been on Friday. Hectors jar a great article from June 4, 2012 interviewing Craig Johnson books father know. Of ownership and clout for another season, and that the writers are doing a build-up. Barlow have Walt & # x27 ; s wife were people ranting about the Walt/Vic story arc needed... They both had clayshot simiar to the lady that had the hots for Walt killed! Barlow reveal is still soaking in with me be a shame if Branch turned dead. Her very unlikable and unsympathetic for some viewers what happened to Branch a. Branch i think Walts wife but then again they both had clayshot simiar to the series, we watched the., so he has a better job of appearing authenic is beyond my understanding has preaching. Of best Oh my play great off each other McRaney ) being the party! A marathon of the episode, thats when some of our anxiety really started to in. ] Penny [ /b ], for being a part of the conversation here each week with each ). On that to get there on a Friday the ratings go up up and way up in! It, too gave us everything we hoped for to see he and work... That point myself but thats a logical conclusion watching things over a year old, LOL that is beyond understanding! & # x27 ; ve died multiple times bcz of Walt not loudly.
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