In other words, employees have a strong desire for affiliation. [6] Managers are always looking for mistakes from employees, because they do not trust their work. As such, McGregor acknowledged both types of managers as being a legitimate means of motivating employees, but he felt that you would get much better results through the use of Theory Y rather than Theory X. Douglas McGregor believed that there were two types of managers: Theory X and Theory Y. They lack ambition and physiological and safety factors motivate them. Each assumes that the managers role is to organize resources, including people, to best benefit the company. Because of this, a Theory X approach may be necessary although I believe it's best to give people the benefit of the doubt and go with a more empowering approach to begin with. Decision making became centralized and control was established through a chain of command where workers were not being provided an opportunity to contribute to the process. Theory Y, on the other hand, presents a positive view of human . During the 1980s, American business and industry experienceda tsunami of demand for Japanese products and imports, particularly in the automotive industry. flashcard sets. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. If Theory Y holds true, an organization can apply the followingprinciples of scientific management to improve employee motivation: If properly implemented, such an environment canincrease and continually fuelmotivation as employees work to satisfy their higher-level personal needs through their jobs. ]; the use of rewards often leads people to think in terms of How much am I getting? or How much should I give? or Am I breaking even? The use of referent power produces identification with the leader and his cause. In fact, when proper motivations and rewards are in place, employees are not only willing but purposely driven to seek out responsibility and challenges on their own. So grab your bomb repellent while we explore these two different types of managers by discussing the assumptions of each. [4] McGregor's perspective places the responsibility for performance on managers as well as subordinates.[5]. As a result, the only way that employees can attempt to meethigher-level needs at work is to seek more compensation, so, predictably, they focus on monetary rewards. [13], Theory X and Theory Y also have implications in military command and control (C2). He would hierarchically arrange the job roles with several supervisors for different departments, looking over employees. McGregor called this Theory X. Good leaders, whether formal or informal, develop many sources of power. Theory X refers to an authoritarian style and Theory Y refers to a participative/interactive style of managing employees. An individual who was self- motivated was best left alone in a. Most people have little aptitude for creativity in solving organizational problems. Theory X McGregor created Theory X based on Maslows lower needs on the hierarchy of needs model (food, water, necessities). Management professor William Ouchi argued that Western organizations could learn from their Japanese counterparts. One assumption is that theyseek to build cooperative and intimate working relationships with their coworkers. Theory X managers are likely to believe that: Answer 17) a. the average employee dislikes work and will seek to avoid it when possible. Theory X and Theory Y thinking and leadership are not strictly an American phenomenon. McGregor proposed that there were two types of managers: ones who assumed a negative view of their employees, also known as the Theory X managers, and others who assumed a positive view of workers, or the Theory Y managers. C. employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognition. At Quad/Graphics, president Harry V. Quadracci is a permissive democrat because he encourages all Quad employees to play a major role in decision-making and execution as they manage their teams as independent profit centers. The informal leader is that individual whom members of the group acknowledge as their leader. The modern manager knows how to distribute responsibility, instill trust in their employees, and motivate team members to deliver their best work and ideas. Read them well and, normally, they'll feel confident taking direction under the parameters of X and Y. They'll understand your expectations and feel motivated - those two things promote happiness at work and contribute to wellbeing. Hate the idea of having to go to work and do so only to earn a paycheck and the security that it offers. I think there is a little misconception here. People enjoy taking ownership of their work. is based on negative assumptions regarding the typical worker. Both theories are mostly used as a mixture in organizations and workplaces. In general, Theory X style managers believe their employees are less intelligent, lazier, and work solely for a sustainable income. It mightseemthat the optimal approach to human resource management would lie somewhere between these extremes. Under these conditions, people will seek responsibility. I highly recommend you use this site! Managers who choose the Theory X approach have an authoritarian style of management. People will be committed to their quality and productivity objectives if rewards are in place that address higher needs such as self-fulfillment. 9899. then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. McGregor's X-Y theory is a salutary and simple reminder of the natural rules for managing people, which under the pressure of day-to-day business are all too easily forgotten. The benefits of Theory Z, Ouchi claimed, would bereduced employee turnover, increasedcommitment, improvedmorale and job satisfaction, and drastic increases in productivity. Some employees may take advantage of this freedom and not meet their work objectives. A manager's behavior and expectations are as contagious as the plague. Theory X can benefit a work place that utilizes an assembly line or manual labor. While these contrasting management styles might be easily recognizable in todays technology-driven world, they were novel thoughts at one point, developed through research and observation by a workplace thought leader. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 17 chapters | Self-determination Theory Self-determination theory suggests that people are motivated to grow and change by three Which of the following is a behavior that would most likely b Grace Hopper, retired U.S. Navy admiral, draws a distinction between leading and managing: You dont manage people, you manage things. Theory X managers are likely to believe that Select one: a. the average person dislikes work and will seek to avoid it when possible. He mentioned Theory X and Theory Y in his book, The Human Side of Enterprise, published in 1960. This theory is likely to be used when there are new employees, who need direction and accountability. As we have noted, leadership is the exercise of influence over those who depend on one another for attaining a mutual goal in a group setting. This suggests that a leader may use and employ power in a variety of ways. They were created by Douglas McGregor while he was working at the MIT Sloan School of Management in the 1950s, and developed further in the 1960s. With a workplace centered on trust, its important not only to instill trust in your teammatesbut also in the right technology to get the job done. Also, participative decision-making may not always be feasible or successful due to the nature of the work or the willingness of the workers. It is possible that the originator, and subsequent researchers, of these contrasting theories did not place much emphasis on these attributes as being inherent in humans, but workplace reality suggests these two distinct facts are real. It follows the idea that there is no single way to organize a company or make decisions. This is a positive view of the nature of workers. Once those needs have been satisfied, the motivation disappears. An optimal managerial style would help cultivate worker creativity, insight, meaning and moral excellence. People will use work to satisfy their lower needs and seek to satisfy their higher needs during their leisure time. Theory Y managers favor a more collaborative approach, centering their leadership on trust, valuing creative problem solving, and managing by way of providing their employees with tools, opportunities, and visibility to do their jobs well. [7] McGregor believes both ends of the spectrum are too extreme for efficient real-world application. This leader behavior is recommended when decision-making time is limited, when tasks are routine, or when organizational members have sufficient expertise to determine appropriate role behaviors. On the other hand, if you believe that your people take pride in their work and see it as a challenge, then you'll more likely adopt a participative management style . This generally involves a more 'hands-on' approach and inevitably micromanaging your team's workload to ensure it is done to . A variation on this theme is the concept of situational leadership, which advocates using different styles of management in different circumstances. Managers following Theory X can be pessimistic and orthodox in their approach and be prone to assume that employees are not interested in their work and need to be pushed. I see Theory X and Theory Y as two natural divisions of people; groupings into those who dislike working and those who are inclined to working without persuasion. Back in the 1950s and 60s, MIT School of Management student Douglas McGregor published a theory on different types of workers. a Theory X Manager typically believes their staff: dislike their work / are lazy cannot be trusted need to be closely supervised / micro-managed dislike or avoid responsibility have no inherent incentive or desire to work lack ambition work only for pay or because they have to have to be driven by rewards or punishment Many leaders emerge out of the needs of the situation. Much like a bomb, assumptions are a dangerous thing to make - just the slightest little mistake and you can end up blowing yourself up! A lot of young entrepreneurs do not keep hierarchical within their company and believe in the willingness and interest of their employees.,,, CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, Managers let employees use self-direction and self-control to do their jobs instead of coercing or forcing them. The hard approach to motivation relies on coercion, implicit threats, micromanagement, and tight controls essentially an environment of command and control. [8] As a result, Theory Y followers may have a better relationship with their boss, creating a healthier atmosphere in the workplace. McGregors Theory X and Theory Y posits two different sets of attitudes about the individual as an organizational member.36 Theory X and Y thinking gives rise to two different styles of leadership. The capacity for creativity spreads throughout organizations. It suggests that there are two approaches to managing people. About 1015 years ago, power and leadership once again shifted, this time to people with finance and legal backgrounds, because the critical contingencies facing many organizations were mergers, acquisitions, hostile takeovers, and creative financing. most employees know more about their job than the bossd. Several assumptions form the basis for this theory. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Reward and legitimate power (that is, relying on ones position to influence others) produce inconsistent results. When I say X, I don't mean the type that marks a treasure - in fact, quite the opposite is true. A manager who believes in Theory Y could have assumptions that: Too much freedom could lead to no accountability and people could lose direction and focus. Situational Leadership Theory & Styles | What is Situational Leadership? Managers following Theory Y believe that employees are willing to work and put effort into their performances. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y is about judging the needs and character of your people. Occupational inequality is the unequal treatment of people based on gender, sexuality, height, weight, accent, or race in the workplace. Several assumptions form the basis for this theory. Think about a conveyor belt of automotive parts with workers and machines lined side by side, each tasked with applying a specific skill to the production processtightening a bolt, applying a hinge, taping up a box to be shipped, etc. This led them to use rewards and punishment as their primary means to motivate employees. [1] McGregor's work was rooted in motivation theory alongside the works of Abraham Maslow, who created the hierarchy of needs. Since workers are given much more time to receive training, rotate through jobs, and master the intricacies of the companys operations, promotions tend to be slower. Ouchis Theory Z makes certain assumptions about workers. The manager would use promotions, incentives, the threat of firing or cutting off pay to motivate employees to put effort or work. When this persons role is sanctioned by the formal organization, these team leaders become formal leaders. Douglas McGregor introduced Theory X and Theory Y to explain different styles of management. Most people can handle responsibility because creativity and ingenuity are common in the population. Peopleare motivated by money and fears about their job security. Many consider such actions necessary for self-managing work teams to succeed. Theory X managers are likely to believe that: a. the average employee dislikes work and will seek to avoid it when possible. In many instances, people are put into positions of leadership by forces outside the group. He defines himself as his companys philosopher. 1999-2023, Rice University. This approach is usually taken by managers working in older companies and firms. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The idea that a managers attitude has an impact on employee motivation was originally proposed by Douglas McGregor,a management professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during the 1950s and 1960s. Market Segmentation Types & Examples | What is Market Segmentation? [4] Assumptions of Theory Y, in relation to Maslow's hierarchy put an emphasis on employee higher level needs, such as esteem needs and self-actualization. Another colleague, Joseph, sees him as a worker who performs just for the sake of money. [7] The hard approach depends on close supervision, intimidation, and immediate punishment. He has now replaced the empty chair with Amazon employees with the job title Customer Experience Bar Raisers. job satisfaction is primarily related to higher-order needs. Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, used to bring an empty chair to meetings to signal and remind participants of the most important people that did not have a seat at the table: the customers. D. job satisfaction is primarily related to higher order needs. "Theory X and Theory Y, Douglas McGregor", "Employee Management: Are You X or Are You Y", "Theory X and Theory Y: Understanding People's Motivations", A diagram representing Theory X and Theory Y, Another diagram representing Theory X and Theory Y,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 31 January 2023, at 10:10. Enlightened managers use Theory Y, which produces better performance and results, and allows people to grow and develop. Abraham Maslow and McGregor both gave popular theories on motivation. The Theory X leader assumes that the average individual dislikes work and is incapable of exercising adequate self-direction and self-control. Except where otherwise noted, textbooks on this site [6] Empirical evidence concerning the validity of Theory X and Theory Y, however, was mixed. 5. Managers in newer organizations use this theory as now, people want more than monetary rewards and control. [3] According to Maslow, a human is motivated by the level they have not yet reached, and self-actualization cannot be met until each of the lower levels has been fulfilled. They also dislike change and tend to resist it at all costs. Overall leader effectiveness will be higher when people follow because they want to follow. Theory X. "C2 Re-Envisioned: the Future of the Enterprise." This allows the individual to receive either a direct reward or a reprimand, depending on the outcome's positive or negative nature. O most employees know more about their job than the boss. The employee is not responsible and hence must be supervised or directed towards the goal of the organization. The company usesmonetary rewards and benefits to satisfy employees lower-level needs. The employee must be supervised or looked upon so that he or she works appropriately. This judgement could say a lot about your style of management. They can use self-direction and self-control in this aspect. Most people are not ambitious, have little desire for responsibility, and prefer to be directed. [6] Theory X is a "we versus they" approach, meaning it is the management versus the employees. People come to leadership positions through two dynamics. Question: QUESTION 17 Theory X managers are likely to believe that: a. the average employee dislikes work and will seek to avoid it when possible. They are self-centered and care only about themselves and not the organization or its goals, making it necessary for a manager to coerce, control, direct or threaten with punishment in order to get them to work towards organizational goals. It refers to the management style that follows a more participative, interactive and optimistic approach. Theory X management hinders the satisfaction of higher-level needs because it doesn't acknowledge that those needs are relevant in the workplace. Are inherently lazy, lack ambition and prefer to be directed on what to do rather than assume responsibility on their own. Theory X managers are likely to believe that: most employees know more about their job than the boss. He believed that workers who were continuously being treated as robots with no thinking ability, at one point eventually start behaving like robots. Under Theory Z management, not only do workers have a sense of cohesion with their fellow workers, they also develop a sense of order, discipline, and a moral obligation to work hard. His ideas gained most of their momentum in the 1960s, when the American and Western workforce was at a crucial transition from factory work of the Industrial Revolution to more collaborative technology-centered teamwork, aided no doubt by the Womens Labor Movement and the dawn of computing technology. Proc. The Theory Y managers believe their role is to help develop an employee's potential so that s/he can work towards common organizational goals. This could additionally lead to a bad reputation. QUESTION 17 The Theory X managers probably believe that: a. the average employee dislikes the job and will try to avoid it whenever possible. In the 1950s, Tannenbaum and Schmidt created a continuum (see Exhibit 13.6) along which leadership styles range from authoritarian to extremely high levels of worker freedom.34 Subsequent to Tannenbaum and Schmidts work, researchers adapted the continuum by categorizing leader power styles as autocratic (boss-centered), participative (workers are consulted and involved), or free-rein (members are assigned the work and decide on their own how to do it; the leader relinquishes the active assumption of the role of leadership).35. They think most employees are only out for themselves and their sole interest in the job is to earn money. The most popular online Visio alternative, Lucidchart is utilized in over 180 countries by millions of users, from sales managers mapping out target organizations to IT directors visualizing their network infrastructure. There are several ways to lead an organization and this theory allows fluidity. People need more than monetary rewards or the threat of punishment to do their jobs. Theory X managers and supervisors are sometimes called micro-managers. All rights reserved. Some critics believe that current methods of measuring unemployment are inaccurate in terms of the impact of unemployment on people as these methods do not take into account the 1.5% of the available working population incarcerated in US prisons (who may or may not be working while they are incarcerated); those who have lost their jobs and have . They can have creativity, innovation and potential skills that they can use to solve problems or to perform effectively. B. most workers know more about their job than the boss. Theory Y managers will make different choices about how to arrange team members and workflows, how to talk to people, how to reward and incentivize, etc. Accept work as a normal part of their day, and it's right next to recreation and rest. A Theory X management style may be well-suited for this type of structured, process-driven workplace. The role of the Theory X manager is to coerce and control employees to work towards organizational goals. Answer the question(s) below to see how well you understand the topics covered above. Informal leaders are acknowledged by the group, and the group willingly responds to their leadership. Leaders who rely solely on their legitimate power and authority seldom generate the influence necessary to help their organization and its members succeed. Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . However, beyond this commonality, theattitudes and assumptionsthey embody are quite different. [6] Managers who believe employees operate in this manner are more likely to use rewards or punishments as motivation. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. The Theory Y manager assumes that employees accept work as a normal part of their day right next to recreation and rest. It includes a trusting, collaborative and positive relationship between the manager and employees. Learn about motivation in the workplace . A doctor in charge of a hastily constructed shelter for victims of a tornado may use this style to command nonmedical volunteers. They can be motivated internally to complete their tasks and not always need supervision or micromanaging. Drawing on Maslows hierarchy of needs, McGregor argues that a need, once satisfied, no longer motivates. Theory X assumes that people dislike work and will avoid doing anything they don't have to do. The Theory X leader assumes that the average individual dislikes work and is incapable of exercising adequate self-direction and self-control. Theory X managers believe all actions should be traceable to the individual responsible. An organization with this style of management is made up of several levels of supervisors and managers who actively intervene and micromanage the employees. employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognitionc. A group often turns to the member who possesses the knowledge, skills, and abilities that the group requires to achieve its goals.25 People surrender their power to individuals whom they believe will make meaningful contributions to attaining group goals.26 The individual to whom power is surrendered is often a member of the group who is in good standing. The employees are full of potential, and it is through their own creativity, ingenuity and imagination that organizational goals are met. C.employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognition.D.job satisfaction is primarily related to higher-order needs. Theory X and Theory Y are two contrasting models of how your work force can be motivated. c. employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognition. Coercive power can result in favorable performance, yet follower and resistance dissatisfaction are not uncommon. Finally, the permissive democrat shares power with group members, soliciting involvement in both decision-making and execution. They typically allow organizational members significant amounts of discretion in their jobs and encourage them to participate in departmental and organizational decision-making. On the other hand, more modern, network-centric, and decentralized concepts of C2, that rely on individual initiative and self-synchronization, tend to arise more from a "Theory Y" philosophy. Theory X is a common management method that focuses on supervision and strict monitoring of employees. According to the Theory of X and Y, there are 2 categories of managers . Another assumption is that workers expect reciprocity and support from the company. They're full of potential, and it's through their own. Traditionally, the roles of informal leaders have not included the total set of management responsibilities because an informal leader does not always exercise the functions of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. The manager allows for collaborative decision-making and amicable relations within the organization or firm. employees are motivated mainly by the chance for advancement and recognition. They are inherently lazy, lack ambition and prefer to be directed on what to do rather than assume responsibility on their own. Gerald Salancik and Jeffrey Pfeffer observe that power to influence others flows to those individuals who possess the critical and scarce resources (often knowledge and expertise) that a group needs to overcome a major problem.24 They note that the dominant coalition and leadership in American corporations during the 1950s was among engineers, because organizations were engaged in competition based on product design. Implementing a Theory Y-focused leadership approach requires modern tools that can complement the collaborative workplace. The control and coercion involved in this style of management could lead to employee frustration, de-motivate employees and damage relationships within the organization. [8] This approach can potentially yield a hostile, minimally cooperative workforce and resentment towards management. This style is appropriate when followers have valuable opinions and ideas, but one person needs to coordinate the execution of the ideas. The theory X and Y leadership model was developed 50 years ago and has been validated by modern research. Theory X holds a pessimistic view of employees in the sense that they cannot work in the absence of incentives. Theory Y is based on positive assumptions regarding the typical worker. It follows the traditional route of direction and control. While Theory X managers may be suited for some process-driven organizations, a more practical management style today is that of a Theory Y thinker. This management style assumes that the typical worker has little ambition, avoids responsibility, and is individual-goal oriented. With this intuitive, cloud-based solution, everyone can work visually and collaborate in real time while building flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, and more. Studies have shown that the Theory X style of management results in tight control, strict policies, and a punishment and rewards system that reinforces beliefs. A ) The employee dislikes working, is not motivated enough and thus avoids working, whenever there is an opportunity. Theory X management is substantially a matter of crafting positive and negative incentives, such as bonuses or other rewards for meeting targets, or progressive discipline for falling short, which may include remedial training. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on d. job satisfaction is primarily related to higher order needs. In a strict environment with little autonomy, workers were indeed unhappy and lacking ambition. Besides conducting the orchestra, he created a vision for the symphony. [11], For McGregor, Theory X and Theory Y are not opposite ends of the same continuum, but rather two different continua in themselves. As a Theory X manager, Xavier believes that his workers: Hate the idea of having to go to work and do so only to earn a paycheck and the security that it offers. 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