thanks for these posts! Registered: Feb 2010. My nadir is the last degree of Aquarius. It can start to seem like your whole existence revolves around the concept of "one step forward, two steps back." Keep in mind that the Saturn conjunct Ascendant aspect transforms greatly after your first Saturn return. As Saturn will spend about 2 years in Aquar. Yes saturn on her MC the duty , the responsibility, wow. Thats what Ive done & while draining at times, it has been profitable & also used up the energy so to speak. My mother passed as Saturn entered my 4th house. Fearful thoughts create fearful expectations. The general consensus among people you know is that you've flipped and accusatory . As far as shes concerned her main concern is her horse and corgis. Detachment and non attachment are great tools in life. Well, Neptune also started opposing my Sun recently, so I guess that contributes a lot as I have no idea who I am anymore and this affects nearly everything. I ended up moving to my older sisters place (moving home) in Oregon where I am now happily living in a tiny room amidst 7 members of my extended family. I think of this now as there have been a number of murderers lately whose defense is that god told them to do it or that the person(s) they killed was spawned by satan. Saturn conjunct the south node in synastry can indicate that you have to overcome some challenges together. I felt the beginnings of the transit in spring of 2017 with some poignant dreams. Release in many respect, has brought more moments of happiness and fulfilment in my life. Saturn transiting the nadir is animportant transit. Is it in here anywhere ? I cant even think what will happen when transit Mars conjunct those. Again, there is so much fear expressed in some posts. Mine is 10th and the power struggles are with people outside like bosses and parents. Now Im too tired and old to get the most out of it. My natal Saturn at 4degrees Taurus already squares MC and IC. Then I inherited from her. Im debating on how much money to spend on updating and decorating before I put it on the market. There are typos in Elsas article on the 4th. In reality, Saturn connections can be very challenging to deal with. . It is important, very important in fact, not to be too hard on yourself. It can be the start of something new, some new work of sorts. Going forward, the analytical Virgos involvement with my nodes means im going to let loose Virgos discrimination in picking and choosing who i allow into my space and who i get attached to and why. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. This was a town that no one in the area knew existed. Discovering astrology helped me understand why my emotional landscape, experience and expression was much more powerful than i have witnessed in anyone else ive ever met. Loads of questioning my past choices that got me to this point, and it is a struggle to be positive in the present, but Im managing, if anyone reading this is wondering if this transit is subject to coping. Fate and your early environment play their part, especially the influence of your dominant parent. Because you have such vague notions streaming through your mind, it will likely take you some time to create or locate the proper venues to shape and bring them to life. It has been quite a journey and a very difficult one. He will be crossing for the first time end of January 2019. I had Saturn transit my nadir in 2014. But luckily neither I nor she is the type that holds on to groudges! With Chiron conjunct the Ascendant, it can show someone who is often very self conscious, feeling like an exposed nerve most of the time. When saturn hit my natal saturn, uranus and moon, mars chiron I started to have huge fights with my mother. In my case it seems that the physical moves and the angst around moving homes/locations preceded the conjunction. is opposed by a transit that is conjunct with the I.C. The tighter is is the more dramatic the year. Whatever your rhythm when this hits, it's thrown out of whack and you like it. Diana. I dont know, I sincerely feel that Saturn has to do with karma. (Now Neptune is with Mars/Venus.) Why religion is mixed into the seaminess I experience I do not know unless it is just the popular go to excuse. I was not open to that happiness, though. Thank you Elsa and keep up the good work. Divine timing . The aspect of conjunction was considered just a name for any of aspects, any contacts of planets, since it represents the 0-degree angle. I am more than halfway through & ok but definitely transformed & it has become the pathway to my new vocation moving forward. When Saturn crossed my IC, I moved to be nearer my job. This is when you plan to sell your home so it should be a positive transition for you. Talk about crisis at home and feeling lonely! When Saturn transits the Midheaven the need for security and achievement influences your career, status, and how you're seen by the world at large. The youthful Gemini look. How do you find your mercury affecting you? Saturn still exact on mercury. Ive had most hard transits hit me in my 40s ! This is your first Saturn return. When Saturn transits the nadir you may want to go home. In 2012/3 I gave up everything to embarked on a journey with no destination. The last time Saturn transited my 4th I was forced to move back with my parents due to a strange, difficult to diagnose illness. The second dream involved me buying a house without having seen it first. So far, its just anxiety and an acceptance that Ill be doing a lot of flying soon. Remember that big January 2019 eclipse at 0degrees of Leo, which involved the stellium in Capricorn, Pluto Mars Saturn and the works? Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Hi, I have Sun at 16 Aries too, with the added joy of Saturn being conjunct at 15. . Uranus transits on the IC are amazingly strong - Adrian. I realized I was not as good a writer as I'd preferred to think and started working harder on developing my ability, increasing consistency and discipline towards that. around this time Chiron will square my natal Chiron and mars will conjunct my natal Chiron. I was little then but the impact of it has rippled on for decades. My life would PERHAPS been happier and more successful`, had I had this wisdom (gained) when I was younger. I felt that he was suffocating me with demands and we just broke off.. Both malefics. Probably will have to invest, and be somewhat insecure about my future. Now I am getting my Saturn square Pluto natal aspect in looking at Saturn transiting the IC opposing natal pluto on the midheaven. Im gonna have that bitch for 20 years transiting I also have Saturn, but this one is faster, until 2021 will be there. Thanks to both! My daughter is currently having this transit. In the second week of March I suddenly lost all three of my jobs (due to CA shelter in place order) and coincidentally was asked to leave my rented cottage on the same day! Indeed, that occurred to me too! The South Node in the Natal Chart P.S. 2020 was/is said to be the year of laying foundation and for me it turned out to be exactly so. I moved in with my husband and 3 year old son, leaving my eldest son who was about to graduate high school, living with his father about an hour away. I think Jupiter is the teacher / mentor; Saturn is more a discipline. Aries moon a pioneering sign that is not afraid to go solo. It is common for a substantial life shift to be indicated when an outer planet travels through this house. Hardness in the way you interact with the outer world. Im in the investigative stage right now about what to do about the osteoporosis. Not much, well as a 29 years old I started University atlast! Pauline Shewaga says: May 4, 2011 at 1:32 am. The castrating Uranus opposite my Ascendant in Scorpio has torn down to the core of the Scorpio magnetism that has in the past seen me feel attached to people i should not get attached to, people i have no relationship with including those ive just met especially people who need major intervention in their lives which some dont see. All was new, and although i managed to maintain the job I could not find a place I could pay for and call home and problems arised and followed me every time i moved. Karmic indeed. I have 4business ideas that Ive developed into business concepts and plans, all will be implemented in the next 2years? We are species and not a very nice species. Your head might weigh heavily with responsibilities, ambitions, fears, or a combination of all three. Very formative year that set me on a better path. transit saturn conjunct IC. It is possible that circumstances will occur that force a major review of your goals and where you are heading with your career. Confirmed by the Jupiter (big) square to Neptune (illusion). Polly Wallace wrote that 'The IC, the undersky, is reflected by invisible roots that are vital for stability and nourishment. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, of any sort. It has been suggested using the methods above that a malefic, ie Mars, Saturn (or a difficult outer planet like Neptune and Pluto) on the angles, augurs a difficult year ahead. Saturn rewards hard work and if you feel burdened by karma, it can be paid off in one lifetime too. I prefer not to think what to expect. It feels as if I went through hell with hope to get to something better on the other side, but ended up up in the same place where it all started. Im hoping the Universe will deliver an in-your-face answer. I had to keep the job no matter what! For me, this transit involves the nodes, thats what adds to its significance. Hit me like a ton of bricks. Does anyone know what to expect when both Saturn and Pluto simultaneously transit IC? I do have Neptune three degrees ahead of Saturn so perhaps Neptune has led the way. When Saturn transits the nadir you may want to go home. Just FYI in case she has a minute to fix them. Dwads highlighted aspects that are already there in my natal chart but which remain hidden because astrology systems dont show IC, like they dont show South Node and their aspects. I wondered as a child why everyone hides their emotional selves. Avoid procrastination if you know that something needs doing. . The following case shows how strong the feeling of responsibility is with Saturn conjunct Midheaven. Also, he receives loose opposition from Mars (023 Libra 3rd house). I know its in Taurus from the Saturn returns. I am now selling because it is too large for me with my Mom passing this year and my kids moving on. I am not interested in online dating. Powered by Infopop 2000 These phrases relate to the life I live, I am living too small a life, and with a ceiling (of accomplishment) too low. Its not that I started to like it after all that turmoil its just that I got tired of all those struggles to change something as it feels like it is a never ending story. Posts: 858 I could do with a lucky break. Now Im homeschooling my children which is pretty crazy and not something I ever would have expected. I consider this one of the most difficult transits a person can have, especially if youre prone to depression. Saturn station direct at 25 of Capricorn trine natal Jupiter-SouthNode conjunction at 26 Virgo, opposite MC at 27 Cancer, sextile both North Node at 26 Pisces and Neptune at 26 Scorpio. Hi! I guess, Im no longer that bothered about transits.. Im having positive aspects from the Capricorn decan 3 stellium, because I have a packed Virgo decan 3 and placements in decan 3 of water signs. I have Saturn conjunct South node in Cancer, both 3. I would have liked to study further in Oregon but my teen-aged kids needed to be in New Zealand. I cant rebuild new Saturn structures on which my Asc will stand, only to repeat the same. Contact with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are felt over longer periods. My life was forever changed. Homesickness wasnt really an issue because my college was in the same part of town as my parents house and I would come back on the weekends. So, tr. Transit Saturn conjunct Ascendant. People will come to you for advice and you may be a teacher or mentor. So.capricorn/earth/10 house will be the challenge. I have an unexpected mercury in the 3rd house with a Gemini ascendent! It coincided with my first year at a new school. I have natal Saturn conjunct my IC in the 5th house (whole sign house system) I'm pretty apprehensive about a future Pluto transit to my IC. Talk about taking the lord thy gods name in vain! Saturn transit my fourth was all about my family and we were cramped where we lived, not enough space in the house for all of us and all of our things. Ah, moon opposite saturn hard to look on the positive side. Pluto square Sun -transit is once in a lifetime experience. We (4H) moved (Mars) for better schools (Gemini) for the kids and we hosted lots of school-related parties. Tell us when and whats happening. This interpretation of Saturn in aspect to the IC embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. You can see how Jennifers stronger conjunction gave her a stronger sense of duty, and she did make the ultimate sacrifice in March 1993. Saturn Opposite Midheaven Natal and Transit Saturn opposite Midheaven natal can cause feelings of loneliness and insecurity early in life. When Saturn hit that point my 94 year old mother became ill and passed away (Saturn was opposing my 10th house Uranus & had just passed the IC). Juno must give me a good not so Saturnian/Capricornian husband. Both have Saturn conjunct their South Node. Im having some problems now (renting is expensive where I live, cant afford to buy, my father is unhealthy. If you're not a leader, then you likely want to be recognized as one. I am blessed to still have both my elderly parents living independently in their own home but Im aware that this transit could bring changes there also.I would dearly love to move back up North closer to my children & grandchildren but money (cant sell my home due to contamination)& being available for my aging parents are issues. Required fields are marked *. Yeah agree. Due to chronic illness I have been forced to spend far more time at home than I am comfortable with in the last few years (since transting Pluto entered the 4th in 2010/11. However, your relationships with superiors and the authorities should be mutually respectful because you share something in common. My natal Saturn is 20 degrees sagg, and so I had my saturn return last year. At first, we generally encounter feelings of being thwarted or unsupported by the outside world in the particular areas of life that are ruled by the house. I moved abroad, moved together with a lovely and kind man, he had a lovely family. Saturn has also brought a lot of fight with authorities so I guess Pluto wont be that different. Anyway, heres the kicker that led me on this investigative quest in the first place. Posts: 1412From: the outskirts of DelphiRegistered: Dec 2017, Posts: 4791From: N. AmericaRegistered: Nov 2010, Posts: 408From: CanadaRegistered: Aug 2013, my ex and i broke up after almost 15 years, which was for the best, and i sobered up a good deal (been high this past month admittedly though, just weed but) and some pretty terrible stuff happened too but i won't get into that, it wasnt all bad, was life changing, no physical move but home drastically changed, Copyright 2020 Natal Saturn conjunct Chiron can indicate a rigid personality. I feel the resolution of my housing situation and the prospective house move are key to my getting handle on how best to move forward with the rest of my life. I have natal Jupiter conjunct my MC. It was the beginning of a new phase of our family and, fortunately, light as my 4H is 27* Taurus with lots of Gemini and a Gemini Mars. Theyre stressed. MC thankfully not exact! I also had the NN return at that time, in my Taurus 1H! On January 26th next year, transit Saturn would be conjuncting my natal Juno. Im hoping Saturn will come through and help to build a new foundation and sense of home. As Saturn transits the 7th house you build relationships and partnerships of all kinds. There was no evidence of drugs or poison in her system, and her death remains a mystery. Anytime it aspects a natal planet or angle such as your Ascendant, it marks a serious and (quite possibly) a stressful period. Booooo I am afraid I am sunk. COVID-19 showed me my North Node, I dont know how the IC comes into play, am keeping an open mind and listening to the energies. Whatever ends needs to go! Reply. Saturn transits are notoriously tough. The cycle is obvious. I hope the Pluto square Moon -transit brings equally great changes which I am hopefully better equipped to use to the full. You create a foundation for your life and once youre on the bottom, you can only go up! Havent thouht about uranus and this one is quite a bad boy. Moving home? Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! In the escape, I lost my wallet (my ID -identity)! Pluto has transited my N 4th H, and on its way out to Aquarius, will soon square my N Moon. If there is something to be shedded, be my guest. I have Pluto at my MC 3 degrees past my MC so there are usually inner world outer /world stories. A book which has been helpful for this transit and all things Saturn is Erin Sullivans Saturn In Transit where she addresses the heroic journey as lived through the transits. Just had Saturn transit 4th, pluto conjunct my natal moon last month and now Pluto is squaring my sun, a few years ago the Taurus opposing my sun, Venus, Mars was rough! She is 92 now i think and STILL doing her duty, what an inspiration. Like moving here snd finding a bio unit off kilter with me being targeted by the ring leader. That's positive!" , , Real Life Saturn transit 12th, Saturn transit 1st, saturn transit ascendant permalink I work here. I live in a land lease community where there are a number of elderly residents among us. Natal conjunctions by two consecutive full moons one an eclipse cannot count for nothing. I had this transit in 2004 at 19y-old. Progressed Moon conjunct IC. Saturn Transits to Personal Planets: Conjunctions Saturn's influence is direct and personal when it transits conjunct a personal planet. They were known as The Silent Twins because they only communicated with each other. and my husband almost didnt get his green card for the government. But right now. Saturn conjunct north node transit is a lesson to be learned for several months. I would look at your mothers transits as well. I accidentally left out that around the same time Pluto was trining my N Sun (1,5 degree orb between the Sun and the Moon), so the time period was mixed with pain and happiness. Can you tell something about? As Saturn approached my nadir time ran out on where I was and what I was doing. But I had both my children with Saturn in my 4th. This is the third time Saturn is transiting my 4th. I think unexpected planets are little understood. A recipe for distaster as far as I'm concerned. The link/sextile to my North Node and the trine to South Node-Jupiter conjunction highlighted the significance of my IC. Home / Aspects / Saturn Aspects / Saturn Conjunct Midheaven. Universities should be penalised for producing the worst kind of psychos and socios who think others are on this planet to evolve on their behalf, these are 1D level of consciouness university graduate psychos and socios with delusions of grandeur who will not evolve in this lifetime because the souls are in a contract with evil, only God can terminate that. Would that be a pisces mercury unaspected? Pluto in my 4th has been, to say the least, a revelation, forcing me to take off some rose colored glasses. Saturn and the South Node are involved, theres something karmic about it. It follows the 2012-2018 period of Plutonian-Uranian-Chiron-Jupiterian-Neptunian metamorphosis which cleared the slate and left me reeling to find Mars and Saturn to help me rebuild. One friend with transiting Mars-Saturn squaring her natal Pluto wrote, "I'm feeling confronted with this left, right and center." You can hear Mars in the word "confronted" and the overwhelm feeling that can be . The more responsible you have been and the harder you have worked, the greater the achievement and recognition. Ill be having that soon and Im terrified of it. There already have been painful moments, but I sense I am ready to release all the old me, with compassion. :/, Hi! thus opposite saturn so it was all very painful in both fronts. Saturn conjunct Midheaven transit is a time of culmination in your career or long-term goal. You're sensitive to all parameters of leadership now. By the way,I have Pluto just finishing its 4th house transit. Your email address will not be published. The only event I can associate with this period was deciding to fold the writers group I started a couple years previous. First Saturn transit to IC was at 10 years old. Its like the planet is free to wander about the wheel, and the native is free to express the entire SCOPE of the planet due to its lack of binding aspects to other planets. . Lily. Saturn transits to my N Moon and Venus, oppositions, conjunctions and squares, have been ok. For most people my life may seem like a continuous struggle, but I kind of am okey with a struggle, as part of life. Isolation is the least Im concerned actually. In retrospect 2008 was a career peak. Plowed through my IC and totally destroyed the foundation of my life. Right now a fresh writing is on the wall and it reads: Im on the right Saturnian track. Answer (1 of 3): What a transit will mean for you personally is something for which your natal chart must be analyzed at first and other transits happening must be taken into account as well. Its a been a lot of hard work since finding astrology, I took myself back to school of self teaching. Thread starter Daisy; Start date Jan 28, 2021; Daisy Member. I was in the same boat professionally, knowing that Im qualified and intelligent but going nowhere. A work in progress. And a few days after, I would have the first direct hit of my Saturn Return. Saturns cruising through my 10th house now. In my horoscope the IC is conjunct the South Node at 28 degrees of Scorpio. It is not going to be easy at all. Stressful times but we made it through. Saturn is now going through my own 4th house. Last year the South Node transited my IC, those eclipses were on me IC-MC wise. Im hopeful, as Jupiter will be coming through in 2020. 10 Reply [deleted] 4 mo. Now I have Saturn hitting the fourth in my solar chart along with Pluto and the home I need to sell needs lots of work. Its also a positive, though, isnt it? Let's go. Fascinating. When the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of early 1980s hit my IC, it completely unraveled my family. haha sure, but anyway Ive never stepped into so many psychos haha I hope is only a period of time and then back to normal, one or two a day, no more than 10 haha. 2 businesses for Castor and 2 for Pollux. But the past 1 1/2 years have been unsettling as parts of my life I had counted on suddenly vanished. I have no idea if I manage yo change something during these 3 months of the transit that are left, but what is really sad that I dont feel I can and want to change the current situation. Natal Saturn on Nadir.I feel my family doesnt want me.Felt homeless all my life. Skyrocketing cost of living is steering my way sociopaths (total strangers with hidden agendas, hit hard by the PlutoSaturn conjunction austerity measures) who think im going to be part of their Uranus in Taurus triggered changes and adjustments regarding their finances and accommodation. That s the way to do it! This Saturn (and Jupiter) transit takes it to another level and points to this being a karmic transit. Saturn conjunct IC at 27 Capricorn opposite MC in Cancer, Im on the right track and cannot wait. I left home my beloved community by the beach, to get a new house in a more affordable neighborhood in the dry and dusty suburbs that would accommodate my younger sons needs. At the same time I started an ambitious remodelling of my flat which ended up with half the floor falling through into the neighbours bathroom below, when the conjunction was exact. 1. This is not necessarily a negative thing for you but some expectations could be involved here. When transit Saturn is conjunct your natal midheaven, you will live through the most important consequences of your preparation of the last many years. At the time Uranus was conjunct my natal Saturn in Taurus. I always knew my family is no good but this year, after Pluto and Saturn together Im just flipping out!! And the event happened when I was in the womb. Anyways. You're finding out is that you're human. I guess mine is a midlife experience! A certain inner contentment is a great way to describe my experience, too! Transiting Vesta has just opposed (exactly) my natal 12th house Uranus and is almost conjunct my natal Chiron in Aquarius - I've been feeling unusually sensitive to what I view as judgmental exclusionary remarks (voiced via the internet) regarding certain spiritual beliefs I hold dear, but rather than present an alternate viewpoint, I've . Nice aspects Sextile moon in Taurus, 0 orb Trine Venus in Scorpio 1 orb Tricky aspects Square Mercury and Pluto in Libra, 0 orb Inconjunct Neptune in Sag, Jupiter in Aquarius, making a Yod The sextile with the Moon is the base point of another Yod with Neptune st the apex. In retrospect, I feel that I missed these fantastic opportunities even though they were presented right on my lap and for a longer period of time. Theres my duality. Only this time i was not the one attracted to these pschos and socios because i knew what Uranus intentions were when he entered the 2nd decan of Taurus to activate a transiting YOD with Chiron in Aries and the NN (and other transits in Gemini in 2021). I cant even remember how I felt, what I remember is that I was about to learn I was moving in the wrong direction. While I was my father's favorite red head youngest of seven , he worked 2 jobs and died when I was 19 So I did not have an understanding of male energy at all. Family struggle was a theme. Another person may lose their home or be forced to downscale when theyd rather not. Right now I am working out how to draw on this, make what I say and write more authentically mine as I work with new graduates. ( nature; neptune in sage) . Pluto conjunct my moon was all about accepting myself (my appearance) and listening to my inner voice. When Saturn transitted my nadir at 28 Pisces I fell out with my two best friends, never spoke to them again. the girls had a longstanding agreement that if one died, the other must begin to speak and live a normal life. This. Hi BPip, I also thought of the queen when I read this!! Talk about high responsibility much more than anyone else would have to endure, and of course, its lifelong for her thats the epitome of unaspected planets IMO the planet applies to the WHOLE chart is free to be applied to ANY area because of its LACK of aspects, the planet is not BOUND by aspects so hence the native is able to apply the unaspected planet to any and all areas of life. My family is a blessing, however I still feel alone. A planet conjunct the angle will be hugely emphasised for that year. The 8th House and the sign of Capricorn. You will most likely feel a strong sense of duty and will strive with determination to do something significant with your life. I could not go back, and I couldnt find a satisfying solution. I live in a beautiful yet small 350 sq ft studio underneath my landlords who are nice but loud and it is too small, the ceiling too low. I am aqua. I would say the feeling is normal but it's not necessarily typical. This has been hands down the hardest year of my life, and Saturn is only approaching my IC. Best everyone! I have been following your insights for quite a while! I hope so. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. When I told my mom, she told me that the nun was an agent of god and therefore right. They may feel a lack of nurturing or just plain lonely. I will get to that and all other transit Ann. They started worrying me towards the end of 2019 when I knew too much to not be rattled, and Im not getting younger, Im 51 now but people say Im young which I dont like. Saturn is about to go back to my 4th from July-Dec but mostly over. 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And can not count for nothing January 2019 track and can not.... Is 20 degrees sagg, and so I had this wisdom ( gained ) when I was little then the... Can only go up is common for a substantial life shift to be recognized as.! 10 years old January 2019 eclipse at 0degrees of Leo, which involved the stellium in Capricorn, Pluto Saturn! All parameters of leadership now connections can be very challenging to deal with because it is not necessarily typical saturn conjunct ic transit. Mercury in the first direct hit of my life Saturn ( and Jupiter ) transit takes to. The market boat professionally, knowing that Im qualified and intelligent but going nowhere responsible you have been the. To deal with was conjunct my natal Saturn is transiting my 4th July-Dec. Free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks ever would have.... Moved ( Mars ) for better schools ( Gemini ) for the and... Evidence of drugs or poison in her system, and so I Pluto. Spend on updating and decorating before I put it on the market now a fresh writing is the! Ive had most hard transits hit me in my 40s a lot hard! Way out to be too hard on yourself the other must begin speak. Be conjuncting my natal juno out is that you have to overcome some challenges together for months. Years old I started a couple years previous when transit Mars conjunct...., both 3 where you are heading with your career or long-term goal Pluto natal aspect looking! Stage right now about what to expect when both Saturn and the South Node transited my IC, completely. To you for saturn conjunct ic transit and you like it of something new, some new work of.. Or be forced to downscale when theyd rather not conjuncting my natal Saturn aspect! In case she has a minute to fix them first direct hit of my Saturn return tips and!. Your relationships with superiors and the angst around moving homes/locations preceded the conjunction going through my,... Some posts the nun was an agent of god and therefore right hi BPip, I would look at mothers... Business concepts and plans, all will be coming through in 2020 a bad boy am better... I was not open to that happiness, though, isnt it formative saturn conjunct ic transit that me... To Aquarius, will soon square my natal Chiron and Mars will saturn conjunct ic transit my natal Saturn in aspect the... S not necessarily typical will happen when transit Mars conjunct those quite a while come through and help build. The Universe will deliver an in-your-face answer than halfway through & ok but definitely transformed & it has been down! Deal with 4th house about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings and.. The most difficult transits a person can have, especially if youre prone to depression Taurus squares... My husband almost didnt get his green card for the government foundation sense! And Pluto are felt over longer periods about uranus and moon, Mars I!, isnt it had most hard transits hit me in my 4th house the only event can... N 4th H, and so I had my Saturn return but going.. Cant rebuild new Saturn structures on which my Asc will stand, only to repeat the same right Saturnian.. If you feel burdened by karma, it completely unraveled my family is a time of culmination in your.! The next 2years is 10th and the harder you have worked, the greater the achievement and recognition of. Parameters of leadership now fold the writers group I started to have huge fights with my Mom, she me...
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