It makes me feel good. Simply make one of the many delicious recipes you can find here. Ill have discomfort discussing a plan with a person if its a plan that they could conceivably have been involved with. I agree 100% with this. Also I dont care how YOU (or the poster above you) feels about the underwear on my floor, Im still picking it up before anyone comes in. In desperation, I basically self-diagnosed as autistic and followed the advice I found on the Internet I just started to straight-up name what I saw and ask about it. Not ask, just show up with boyfriend Call or ask the guy in person. The closer someone is, the more I feel I can relax around them and the less trouble it feels to have them over unexpectedly. Im not even inviting everyone on the ministry team (I lead sung worship) there are a select few Ive invited, and there are several friends who have been invited but cant make it, and its only natural that we do discuss the wedding (its a church wedding, so obviously we discuss it in church! I have wet hair from my recent shower, and there are piles of laundry all over the living room. I once traveled to my old uni town to check out my old haunts (also birdwatching. Im definitely a Guesser in the Ask vs. Sometimes it is hard to tell though. That was not about you. it can be hurtful to realize your best friend does not think of you as their best friend. Be female. In either scenario, its not up to the world or culture to decide on your close friends. Copyright. Single. Fortunately, we live in a world where women are empowered to go for what they want rather than sitting quietly and hoping their wishes come true. You dropped in and your neighbors offered you a Coke and you laughed and chilled out for half an hour and then you left. I like your suggestions about neutral spaces too, will definitely use that in future. You were learning. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I think thats a polite expression though. when I was in high school: I own a phone for my convenience, not yours. I apply this to the doorbell as well. Im in the I love random visitors camp, but Ive also got a very strong case of friends accept me as I am fallacy when it comes to those unexpected visitors intersecting with chores. My room was never a safe space, my parents would randomly trash it, tearing posters down, tossing the place for evidence of fuck knows what, then throw out all of my stuff. PLEASE CALL ME. Im fine. In general, I think friends should communicate about and establish the status quo on this matter at the point in their relationships where they are going over to each others houses routinely. I do it just because sometimes things do come up at the last minute, its easy (for me at least) to bungle scheduling when social plans are made far in advance. But in a city, where street parking is hard to find and the only option is to circle the block forever or else park in such a way that someones driveway is blocked (ahem, see my rant a few comments up), it just doesnt make any sense to do that unless you are specifically planning to visit the persons home before going out. It definitely hurts Mr Birds feelings to find out later that his dad, who we have a good relationship with but are only able to see a few times a year, was in Big Town all day with plenty of free time and didnt stop by (or call to see if wed be free that day). but how was I supposed to know that anyone and everyone was welcome? So maybe consider asking her on the kind of friend-dates you would go on someone youre friends but not BFFs with? In the time before cell phones, or when Ive lived in more rural settings or traveled outside the U.S., the norms were and are different. I really appreciate that she brought it up later on (she was super nervous about doing so, but stuck to her guns) and told me politely that she really wasnt a fan of unannounced visits. That is also the way the kids here in our neighborhood do it, they knock but to invite the person out or over, not themselves in. Then, and this is the important part, drop way WAY back in your efforts to get together with her. Like, if shes playing with toys in a waiting room and we have to go, I dont say, so, are you ready? because of course she isnt. ". I think, overall, this is one of those situations where theres no one solution, like Everyone Must Always Call In Advance And Schedule Plans And Never Drop By. As I said, I find these conversations miserable. Its just that my family builds onion layers of forbidden feelings, and it was impossible to guess which ones you were supposed to notice & do something about and which ones didnt exist. Are usually dealing with various mental issues that prevent them from taking care of household necessities, and they dont deserve to be shamed for that just because you happen to like drop-ins. We had keys, together a year. Real example: my freshman year of college I lived in a dorm with a bunch of party-people types who decided they were my BFFs (although I didnt much care for their company myself!) Makes me pretty anxious about having ANY visitors. But theres a lot wrong with painting peoples legitimate reasons for disliking unexpected people dropping by as some sort of irrational priggishness, and the cleaning remark is just gratuitously nasty. They may have to entertain an unwanted guest when they'd rather be doing something else. I am sitting here listen to someone honk their horn every 20 seconds for, I dont even know, 5 minutes? Likewise if hes invited somewhere and its an invite for both of us or hes been specifically told that partners are welcome; if not then Ill happily wave him off and have an evening in on my own with a good book and a bottle of wine and have some me time. Has their baby barfed on me/Do we spend a lot of time in each others houses? If you are not an excellent cook, then dont be discouraged. I chose stay and keep playing bc, as a naive young thing, I thought that being offered that option meant that option was available for me to choose. So it works better. But arkadyrose was talking about wedding with one person and another person inserted themself into the conversation. CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE MADE PLANS TO SEE A FUNNY MOVIE. If you are super-handy and you want to help, you could throw that out there, I love an allen wrench. When youve got more than one of them going on working full time PLUS kids/pets/whatever you dont even need a particularly high level of inculcated shame to feel that way. And if I get somewhere ridiculously early I will go walk around the block several times until Im actually expected, or go to a coffee shop or something. People who dont shouldnt be dropping by anyway. They think Im being silly when Im unsure like that. This will never be the kind of spotless home where I trill oooh, Im sorry its such a mess! as I blow imaginary dust off very expensive knickknacks. You can go on and be as creative as possible and If you are good at your cooking game they will definitely be impressed if they say yes to your invitation. A lot of people were raised in families where avoidance of awkward situations is the only model they know, so they just dont have the communication tools to do anything else. He's not going to know your reasoning for wanting to come over and will be more likely to turn you down. A ton of people who have executive function issues for various reasons struggle with guilt at their inability to meet this standard at all times, so they dont want to let others into their house without achieving that basic cleanliness level first. drifting? Go to a bar or a party that is near his house. Are you free to catch up for coffee after class? I didnt mean to derail the conversation about unexpected visits into a separate thread on the shame some experience re: cleaning. I live alone, so I dont make the baked treats I like to make because I would eat them all. (I wish it werent so, but in my limited and purely personal experience arranging any kind of social ANYTHING may range from difficult to impossible for an NNT young person), It gets even more clusterf*cky when you throw custody and visitation agreements into the mix. I too have been in a fairly fighty friendship that was often, like you say: wow I have no idea why we are in this situation. One guy showed up with his brother, cooked one meal, and then they sat on their butts and didnt lift a finger for five goddamn days while partner and I did all of the cooking, cleaning and tidying. ), I disagree. I really, really need time to myself, and someone showing up to my house unexpectedly, no matter what, makes me feel uncomfortable and encroached upon. Yet because these folks are in my social orbit, its pretty obvious that if they want to make time for some other activity or person (not necessarily even a friend) they can usually manage to find it. Myself I like more notice. With these, its not just about manners, and ways that those diverge, but about where the relationship is, and people having different ideas of that, and also about people having different feelings about what solidity of relationship allows what sort of casual space-sharing. Im free next Thursday, if you want to try for then?. If someone asks what I am doing or was doing [at such and such a time] and the detailed answer is something fun without you. If I answer at all I say I had dinner plans with a friend how was your weekend? or I had a bunch of stuff going on- I am actually kind of glad to be back to work. But thats really about it. Can you go to the toilet without panicking? An alternative to let me stop by your house is Im going to be in the neighborhood do you want to meet up? This is a call I do not mind getting. Which might be fine, but might feel invasive depending on your relationship with the person (I frequently carpool with people I dont know well, who Im in no way on a visiting each others houses kind of relationship with). She still isnt invited and she still isnt coming in. My home is my sacred space, man. Methods of inviting people out You can invite people out face to face, over the phone, by texting, by email/app message, or through a chat window. Mind you, mine is always early so Ive never had a chance to try this but it could work. I would add one small nugget. But if the person being visited does shame-clean, it isnt about the state of cleanliness when visitors arent there. #1 reason I would be hostile to a rare drop-in is because I do not actually like the person. Allowing others to praise you instead of praising yourself is far more rewarding, and your humility will help you gain the respect of everyone around you. She said said I was the one getting married, I could invite whomever I wanted. And its also a problem you can fix, without awkwardness or hurt feelings. Youre right, I was oversimplifying I didnt mean to invalidate your experience. I would suggest you ask in a casual, friendly, "no pressure" tone. Like other commentors Im totally fine with a Im in the neighbourhood can I drop by text, as long as the other person is fine with actually, Im really busy, maybe next time as a reply. No kidding. You should wash all the dishes and clean the dirty parts of the floor. I have routinely over the last year asked if she were free for me to drop in for a hug when fetching mail (I receive mail in the same building as her office) and thats seemed fine.. But I did start noodling around on Twitter more recently, and all of a sudden I started getting more invites from my friends who use Twitter as much as I do. Id advise you to take dropping by her house uninvited completely off the table. I have a sister-in-law with family like this. I have two minds about dropping inpartly, I really like it because of my mental issues, I can go from I need to be alone for an undisclosed amount of time to I would feel significantly better with company in a very short amount of time that can foil even the best-laid plans. The situations you describe wouldnt bother me in the least! By agreeing on brutal honesty we can both have a good time while were having it, and end it when were not. Ive always been under the impression that you dont disturb someone at work. Britney: Were going out. But having grown up in the country, where you werent likely to be going past Auntie Janes house that frequently so why not stop and say hello while youre going past, I have felt mildly hurt when this doesnt happen. If the friend did just knock on their door, then sure, some guidance on boundaries is probably needed, but if the LW asked in a way that allowed the friend to gracefully decline the invitation, then thats already expressing respect for boundaries and the friend is possibly overreacting by calling them out on it. Im glad Im not the only person who finds this difficult. That creeping hot flush, the rock in the pit of your belly, and the sting from holding back tears. Id MUCH rather have a conversation like: THEM: We missed you at [that Thing], why didnt you come? I have recently realized that these vague but powerful negative feelings I always had are called anxiety, and for me they always centered around dealing with other people. Even if some or all of those things were not true, I still, like everyone else, have a right to privacy and personal space. The best option is to talk to him about it, see what his expectations might be, and then decide what you are comfortable with. My very best friends know I am a very messy person and in the past tried to convince me that they didnt care (but I care!). You may get his favorite game and invite yourself over so that he can show you how to play. The organizer may also be inconvenienced by someone who invites themselves. But talking to someone- or more likely in front of someone- about the fun game night six of your ten closest friends were at but one of the conversants wasnt? Even if its not exactly only friends from work invited, it gives a socially polite reason for friend to say that its not an open invitation. Always make room for a gracious no. Maybe Im misinterpreting because I dont know the LW or her friend but it seems much more intense than to say hi. Tbh from what I see on YouTube, it's kind of normal to ask if you can come over to hang out. If its someone I havent seen in a while who is finally back in town and a surprise its both good and bad. For example, I often add in the (near) future, when asking if someone would like to get together as a number of people thought I meant right now. Cleanliness and organization goes for your bedroom too. Don't try to tag along with couples, or small close-knit groups who want to spend quality time together. What are you doing at the weekend? Instead of stating their full request, e.g. All of it. Ring the doorbell Oh Lord, yes! Everyone, look at these. Or Im burnt out and demand me time just because. I definitely prefer the anonymity of living in an apartment in a city famed for its unfriendliness. If she turns up to a thing you have control over, uninvited, do not let her in the door. Bye oops grab the dog please. You can make plans to meet up with them during their lunch hour, but you dont interrupt them whilst theyre working; I dont know if thats a British (specifically London) thing though. The Captains advice is golden. Distance communication makes explaining that Im doing something non-interruptible seem more polite and gives more hypothetical space for you to pretend I was actually doing something specific or about to run to an appointment rather than just not feeling sociable. Friendship break-ups are awkward and hard and with lots of ambiguity. I had thought about naked secrecy ( another poster), but he did shower at night as a rule. ), I wasnt invited! And then, if they feel differently about this issue, they say something dismissive, and then you 1) KNOW that they feel differently, and 2) can say, Im just not comfortable showing up somewhere unless I have an invitation. And thenagain, this works best if youre close, I thinkmaybe they remember to invite you in the future. So glad youre not busy in the afternoon. Sorry my place is so messy. I dont mind. It would be really rude to say fuck yeah its disgusting. If the issue is that youre using that as a soft no and people are ignoring your soft no by saying its fine, thats a problem for a different reason and those people could use the captains advice above about listening for soft nos when they invite themselves over. Or as they are also known, mess-makers. I am depressed. I guess she liked keeping people dangling. How do you meet your friends? One time she offered to help me pack for a camping trip with my friends that she wasnt even going on and only gave me 5 mins of advance notice. If not, the guide on how to ask a guy out on a third date would be a perfect read. How to Get Over a Guy You Had a Crush on Guys are simple creatures, but it can still be frustrating trying to get them to do what you want. And I dont want to raise expectations falsely and unsustainably. I didnt want to post this in response to any one person, but Im a little confused by the way the definition of shame clean seems to be expanding? What my friend did that bothered us was: I was actually discussing the music for the wedding with the person who would actually be playing said music, so not even just a casual conversation about it; it could hardly have been construed as a taunt given that she was the one who came over and inserted herself. Im very sorry that there was a miscommunication, and I hope well have a chance to get together soon., The script you REALLY need, though, is for your friend: Friend, we like seeing your cousin occasionally, but she seems to think that any invitation to you includes her as well, and thats not actually the case. Though I am just now recalling that in the small town where my partner grew up, just dropping by unexpectedly and saying hi is weirdly totally normal. It cant have been fun for them, can it? When you show up to events with him, is he the only SO there? Dating is awkward in every stage of life. I know you're afraid you won't get a response. Even if the person talking about the fun thing is a close friend, I clarify whether Im wanted there, and I try to do so in a way that doesnt sound like Im angling for an invitation. 2. Me too! Fortunately, we find ourselves in a world where women are empowered and encouraged to go for what they desire rather than just sit around and wait for things to happen. I literally hid from them a few times, even though my mom told me I was being rude. But, these are very close friends; if they sent me the same thing Id be comfortable with a love to see you, but Im not changing out of my jammy pants or brushing my hair type of answer. is way more hassle than Hes here; Im leaving now especially since Im usually fleeing with a handful of stuff that hasnt quite made it into my purse yet. Cookie Notice Sorry if this doesn't work but it might. Do you want a hand?. Please take your high horse out back and shoot it. Answer door, but open it only a crack. One caveat to this is if you KNOW youre going to be near me every Saturday at Noon, and you start texting me every Saturday at 11, I might get annoyed. What if it rains, or snows, or if its swelteringly hot outside? uhm. Yes, and I think thats because by and large, its rude to discuss events with people in your social circle social events to which you did not invite them. So I did a frantic quick clean, left the place unlocked, and left them a note saying that their child would be home about an hour and a half after their arrival, and Id be there about an hour after that. When will it be? You can also drop a simple text letting him know you are looking forward to seeing him, to casually confirm the date ahead of time to ensure the plans are still on. I wouldnt make any polite noises. I have close friends who are cool with people texting them and saying hey Im around are you at home to guests and then coming over if the answer is yes. I mean, I dont want to live in a way that allows for friends to stop by without cleaning for hours. Ive had a personal experience with a partner that lived a very compartmentalized life because lets just say. Wait until you know him better. For me I think the drop-by depends on how lengthy and intrusive of a visit its going to be. i hear you, and i for sure do not think you should have to explain to people why you do not want them glued to your side at all times. 1. Im actually good at reading body language and other social cues, when everyone around me isnt lying to me all the time. To clarify some points: She inherited the house when my grandmother died and is having work done on it, ergo she has a key and I cant just chain the door and turn her away, as much of the work is being done when I am working elsewhere. At this point weve all stepped around the issue for so long that I dont know how to bring it up with him without feeling like a jerk. Be clear about when you plan on arriving and leaving. No worries if you want to keep it low key. Also I need to be able to say not now and they leave without getting upset or making me repeat myself. Pastor of church we previously visited drops by. I personally would lean toward expecting people at least 5-10 minutes early or late and talk to them if they go beyond that and its a problem. His apartment was on my bike path from work to home-so I could have easily left and come back later. I didnt say your way forward was easy, mind. They would invite you if they wanted! Thats great if you have the time and the energy to do that. There's a lot you can do to improve your social skills on your own - I wouldn't have made this site if I thought otherwise. Even if I cant have that, I do like the occasional text of Im at the grocery store near you; how about I stash my stuff in your fridge and we hang out for a bit? on random evenings. I have to say that thats something that I admire about people I know who do make their preference for casual drop-in visiting known without turning into Martha Stewart every time they arent stressed out that there are dishes in the sink or that the bathrooms grimy. To entertain an unwanted guest when they 'd rather be doing something else perfect read someone! Person who finds this difficult also be inconvenienced by someone who invites themselves about! Get together with her for wanting to come over and will be more likely to turn you down I. Literally hid from them a few times, even though my mom told me I think the depends. Completely off the table am actually kind of friend-dates you would go on someone youre friends but not with. Let her in the least the drop-by depends on how to ask guy! 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