September 1, 2015. An operator, manager, or superintendent of a public building, schoolhouse, theater, filling station, tourist court, bus station, or tavern shall provide and maintain sanitary toilet accommodations. Sec. 1, eff. Please take this short survey. A public building constructed after September 4, 1945, shall incorporate the heating, ventilation, plumbing, and screening features necessary to protect the public health and safety. ADVERTISED QUALITY OF WATER SUPPLY. PENALTIES CUMULATIVE. Among other factors, the commission shall consider equity among persons required to pay the fees as a factor in determining the amount of the fees. 1010, Sec. 678, Sec. (a) Except as otherwise provided by Section 757.005, the owner of a multiunit rental complex with a pool or a property owners association that owns, controls, or maintains a pool shall completely enclose the pool yard with a pool yard enclosure. NUISANCE. Sec. Por favor, responda a esta breve encuesta. Following the surfacing will be a final inspection. The officer must file a copy of the officer's oath and appointment with the department. 519 (S.B. If you either presently operate an outdoor business or anticipate operating such a business in the County's unincorporated area, please call the County's Director of Unincorporated Area Services at (214) 653-6565 and review the County's outdoor business regulations that are available at the bottom of this page. Added by Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. FAIRGROUNDS, PUBLIC PARKS, AND AMUSEMENT CENTERS. April 2, 2015. 341.046. (6) Compliance. Sept. 1, 1993. 1, eff. (a) A person may not cause, suffer, allow, or permit a violation of this subchapter or a rule or order adopted under this subchapter. Center for Health Emergency Preparedness & Response, Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, Cancer Resources for Health Professionals, Resources for Cancer Patients, Caregivers and Families, Food Manufacturers, Wholesalers, and Warehouses, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Licensure, National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS), Health Care Information Collection (THCIC), Contact Information - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Laws and Rules - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Open Records - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Frequently Asked Questions - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Regulatory Clarifications and Guidance Documents - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Links and Resources - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Applications and Forms - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Complaint Process - Public Swimming Pools and Spas. 618, Sec. (d) The department shall survey industrial establishments to study industrial health and sanitation issues, including water supplies and distribution, waste disposal, and adverse conditions caused by processes that may cause ill health of industrial workers. April 2, 2015. A person commits an offense if the person violates a permitting or inspection requirement imposed under Section 341.064(n) or a closure order issued under Section 341.064(o). Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1, eff. Center for Health Emergency Preparedness & Response, Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, Cancer Resources for Health Professionals, Resources for Cancer Patients, Caregivers and Families, Food Manufacturers, Wholesalers, and Warehouses, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Licensure, National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS), Health Care Information Collection (THCIC), Section 341.064 - Swimming Pools and Bathhouses, Section 341.0695 - Interactive Water Features and Fountains, Chapter 265, Subchapter L- Public Swimming Pools and Spas (PDF) - effectiveJanuary 1, 2023, Chapter 265, Subchapter M - Public Interactive Water Features and Fountains, Draft and Proposed Rules - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Contact Information - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act Information, Open Records - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Frequently Asked Questions - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Regulatory Clarifications and Guidance Documents - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Links and Resources - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Applications and Forms - Public Swimming Pools and Spas, Complaint Process - Public Swimming Pools and Spas. SUBCHAPTER C. SANITARY STANDARDS OF DRINKING WATER; PROTECTION OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES AND BODIES OF WATER. LICENSING AND REGISTRATION OF PERSONS WHO PERFORM DUTIES RELATING TO PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES. September 1, 2019. June 17, 1997. 6.32, eff. (a) In this section, "interactive water feature or fountain" means an installation that includes water sprays, dancing water jets, waterfalls, dumping buckets, or shooting water cannons and that is maintained for public recreation. (8) "Septic tank" means a covered water-tight tank designed for sewage treatment. All penalties accruing under this subchapter are cumulative of all other remedies, and a suit for recovery of any penalty does not bar or affect the recovery of any other penalty or bar any criminal prosecution against a person or any officer, director, agent, or employee of that person. * APPLICATION FEES: All fees are to be paid by check or money order. 742, Sec. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. Sept. 1, 1995. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. (e) The commission shall require a public utility in violation of a standard required under this section and established by the commission or by a municipality with a population of 1,000,000 or more and acting as a regulatory authority to comply with the standard within a reasonable time established by the commission. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. (4) "Utility" includes a "public utility" and "water supply or sewer service corporation" as defined by Section 13.002, Water Code. (3) a municipality, including any industrial district within the municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction, with a population of more than 11,000 and less than 18,000 located in a county with a population of more than 125,000 and less than 230,000. Denos su opinin sobre sus experiencias con las instalaciones, el personal, la comunicacin y los servicios del DSHS. (1) "Facilities where the public congregates" means sports and entertainment arenas, stadiums, community and convention halls, specialty event centers, and amusement facilities. 341.068. (i) Civil penalties recovered in a suit brought under this section by a county or municipality through its own attorney shall be equally divided between: (j) The state is entitled to civil penalties recovered in a suit instituted by the attorney general. 341.063. Sec. Chapter 757 - Pool Yard Enclosures. Amended by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. Sec. 219), Sec. Contact Sales. 341.092. Sec. 3), Sec. 341.036. ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., 1st C.S., ch. The comptroller shall release money from the account in the manner provided by the commission. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. (a) A person shall abate a public health nuisance existing in or on a place the person possesses as soon as the person knows that the nuisance exists. 341.066. (b) A watering point must meet the standards of sanitation and water-handling practices established for those purposes by the commission. (c) Ice contaminated with sand, dirt, cinders, lint, or other foreign substance may not be sold or offered for sale for human consumption. STANDARDS FOR GRAYWATER AND ALTERNATIVE ONSITE WATER. SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. More information on the Trinity Common Vision Program may be found here. (j) A comb or hairbrush used by two or more persons may not be permitted or distributed in a bathhouse of a public swimming pool or of an artificial swimming lagoon. Sept. 1, 1997. The unincorporated area regulations that the County enforces govern: all development within the floodplain; the subdivision of property; the installation of septic tanks; the condition of unincorporated area neighborhoods ; the construction and inspection of residential structures; Sec. 1717), Sec. 2, eff. In making any penalty decision, the commission shall consider each of the factors provided by Subsection (b). Sept. 1, 1989. FIRE HYDRANT FLOW STANDARDS. (c) Each day of a continuing violation is a separate offense. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. The training is in modules and there is no charge for the training. For additional information about the County's nuisance code, please either call the County's Director of Unincorporated Area Services at (214) 653-6565 or review the related information at the bottom of this page. Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. SWIMMING POOLS, ARTIFICIAL SWIMMING LAGOONS, AND BATHHOUSES. 1, eff. 219), Sec. A person who violates a permitting or inspection requirement imposed under Section 341.064(n) or a closure order issued under Section 341.064(o) shall be assessed a civil penalty. Section 300f et seq.). 1010, Sec. (b-1) The commission by rule may adopt and implement rules providing for the inspection and annual testing of a graywater or alternative onsite water system by the commission. PROTECTION OF BODIES OF WATER FROM SEWAGE. Sept. 1, 1993. (7) "Sanitary" means a condition of good order and cleanliness that precludes the probability of disease transmission. The standards: (1) in addition to a utility's maximum daily demand, must provide, for purposes of emergency fire suppression, for: (A) a sufficient water flow not in excess of 250 gallons per minute for at least two hours; and. Sept. 1, 1991; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1468), Sec. The County's nuisance code prohibits the following within an unincorporated area neighborhood: the improper accumulation or visibile outside storage of such items as rubbish, garbage, vehicles, tires, and household appliances; the presence of high weeds; and the presence of unsafe structures. The construction after September 4, 1945, of a public swimming pool or the construction after September 1, 2017, of an artificial swimming lagoon must conform to good public health engineering practices. (a) A fairground, public park, or amusement center of any kind shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. The commission may establish a schedule of fees. Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. (b) A public building that is constructed after September 4, 1945, must incorporate rat-proofing features. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1010, Sec. SANITATION OF ICE PLANTS. (d) The commission is a necessary and indispensable party in a suit brought by a county or municipality under this section. Renumbered from Health and Safety Code, Section 341.0357 by Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. (d) Money used under Subsection (c)(1) for a utility's system may not exceed the amount of the civil or administrative penalties the utility has paid. (c) Waste products, offal, polluting material, spent chemicals, liquors, brines, garbage, rubbish, refuse, used tires, or other waste of any kind may not be stored, deposited, or disposed of in a manner that may cause the pollution of the surrounding land, the contamination of groundwater or surface water, or the breeding of insects or rodents. 2, eff. (d) The superstructure and floor surrounding the seat riser and hopper device of a privy constructed and maintained in conformity with the department's specifications shall be kept in a sanitary condition at all times and must have adequate lighting and ventilation. 346 (H.B. (c) The commission shall assess residential areas in a municipality with a population of 1,000,000 or more to ensure that: (1) the regulatory authority for the area has adopted the standards required by this section; and. 905), Sec. 4), Sec. Dallas County only has jurisdiction over the Unincorporated Areas of Dallas County. (a) Premises occupied or used as residences or for business or pleasure shall be kept in a sanitary condition. (8) violates a provision of Section 341.036. 341.001. ); and. the Dallas Development Code, see zoning maps, and download the forms used for permit applications. Texas Health & Safety Code 365.011 & 365.012, Littering. (c) The notice must specify the nature of the public health nuisance and designate a reasonable time within which the nuisance must be abated. Sec. 1, eff. Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. Sept. 1, 1997. 1010, Sec. Health and Safety Code. Additionally, Dallas County participates in the Trinity Common Vision Program. (d) Subsection (b) does not affect requirements for pool yard enclosure imposed under Chapter 757. 1468), Sec. 6.20, eff. (b) The commission shall develop and make available to the public a regulatory guidance manual to explain commission rules that apply to direct potable reuse. June 17, 2005. Stormwater pollution from swimming pools is preventable. (c) A notification or order issued under this section may be delivered by facsimile, by personal service, or by mail. 341.035(b) and amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. Sept. 1, 1989. (2) provide adequate financial assurance of the ability to operate the system in accordance with applicable laws and rules in the form of a bond or as specified by the commission. The term does not include hotels, churches, restaurants, bowling centers, public or private elementary or secondary schools, or historic buildings. 1, eff. Sec. The executive director shall base the recommended amount of the proposed penalty on the factors provided by Subsection (b) and shall consider each factor for the benefit of the commission. (c) Each public water system responsible for any hydrant shall: (1) paint all or the cap of the hydrant white if the hydrant is available to be used only to fill a water tank on a fire truck used for fire suppression services; and. (3) impose and collect a reasonable fee in connection with a permit or inspection required under this subsection provided the following are met: (A) the auditor for the county shall review the program every two years to ensure that the fees imposed do not exceed the cost of the program; and. 76, Sec. (c) The environmental health officer shall assist the department in enforcing this chapter and is subject to: (1) the authority of the department; and. Natural bodies of water used for swimming. DEFINITIONS. Dallas County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. Sec. Amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. (2) other relevant issues pertaining to the use of the water and maintenance of the fire hydrants to ensure compliance with this section. 353, Sec. (f) A person known to be or suspected of being infected with a transmissible condition of a communicable disease shall be excluded from a public swimming pool and from an artificial swimming lagoon. Pool Stores Near Me: Find the Best Pool Suppliers Near You, Pool Fence Laws Texas: Residential Swimming Pool Fence Laws, Pool Fence Laws Ohio: Private Pool Laws, Pool Fence Code and Requirement, Pool Fence Laws NJ: Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulations, Pool Fence Laws Florida: Why Your Pool Need an Enclosure. September 1, 2011. 1768), Sec. (a) Drinking water provided by a common carrier or the common carrier's agent shall be taken only from supplies certified as meeting the standards established by the commission. 3, Sec. Above ground parking structures are included in lot coverage calculations; 2. 618, Sec. 1010, Sec. (b) Effluent from septic tanks constructed after September 4, 1945, shall be disposed of through: (1) a subsurface drainage field designed in accordance with good public health engineering practices; or. 341.050. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. This chapter prescribes the minimum requirements of sanitation and health protection in this state and does not affect a home-rule municipality's authority to enact: (1) more stringent ordinances in matters relating to this chapter; or, (A) Section 5, Article XI, Texas Constitution; or. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. (a) A person may not go on the platform covering the tanks in which ice is frozen in an ice factory unless the person is an officer, employee, or other person whose duties require that action. Its county seat is Dallas, which is also the third-largest city in Texas and the ninth-largest city in the United States. (a) In this section: (1) "Municipal utility" means a retail public utility, as defined by Section 13.002, Water Code, that is owned by a municipality. When a swimming pool is drained to a natural drainage course, such as down an alley/street, the pool water with all its chemicals enters the storm drainage system and then is discharged directly into the nearest creek, river, or lake without being cleaned or treated. (c) An owner or operator of a tourist court, hotel, inn, or rooming house shall keep the premises sanitary and shall provide every practical facility essential for that purpose. The commission may also use the fees to cover any other costs incurred to protect water resources in this state, including assessment of water quality, reasonably related to the activities of any of the persons required to pay a fee under the statutes listed in Section 5.701(q), Water Code. Added by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS AND SPAS, CHAPTER 265.181 - 265.208 TAC, JULY 01, 2004 AND PUBLIC . Research, Funding, & Educational Resources, Laws and Rules - Public Swimming Pools and Spas. 341.032. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. (3) "Residential area" has the meaning assigned by Section 341.0358. You cannot have a barrier made of chain-link fencing. (g) An interactive water feature or fountain that is supplied entirely by drinking water that is not recirculated is not subject to Subsections (d) and (e). Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 1, eff. 11.14, eff. April 2, 2015. 2, eff. Alabama Baldwin County Alaska City of Anchorage Arizona Cochise County Maricopa County Pima County Arkansas California Los Angeles County Rule 70.100 Mandatory Building Codes. (e) Not later than the 20th day after the date on which notice is received, the person charged may give the commission written consent to the executive director's report including the recommended penalty or may make a written request for a hearing. September 1, 2007. April 2, 2015. 467 (H.B. (b) The regulatory authority for a public utility shall by rule or ordinance adopt standards for installing fire hydrants and maintaining sufficient water pressure for service to fire hydrants adequate to protect public safety in residential areas in a municipality with a population of 1,000,000 or more. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. ORDER TO STOP OPERATIONS. (h) Civil penalties recovered in a suit brought under this section by a county or municipality shall be equally divided between: (2) the county or municipality that first brought the suit. Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1, eff. (c) In this section, abatement is limited to the treatment with a mosquito larvicide of stagnant water in which mosquitoes are breeding. Por favor, responda a esta breve encuesta. If the commission is required to give notice of a penalty under this subsection or Subsection (f), the commission shall file notice of its decision with the Texas Register not later than the 10th day after the date on which the decision is adopted. (1) within the jurisdiction of a governmental entity that maintains its own system for labeling or color coding its hydrants; or. Sept. 1, 1995; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 1, eff. 341.0358. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. Pool Inspection Training is being offered by the CDC and NEHA. Some of the fencing regulations in the city of Dallas include the following: A fence must be structurally stable and properly maintained A fence in single family and duplex districts cannot exceed a height of four feet You cannot use barbed wire in city limits unless it is at least six feet above grade and stays on the property line Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 3372), Sec. 678, Sec. (a) The commission by rule may charge fees to a person who owns, operates, or maintains a public drinking water supply system. Provide feedback on your experience with DSHS facilities, staff, communication, and services. June 18, 2005. 341.035(d) and amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. A water supply system that attains an approved rating is entitled to erect signs of a design approved by the commission on highways approaching the municipality in which the water supply system is located. Phone: 512-834-6788 1 (S.B. (C) from sinks used for food preparation or disposal. (i) An owner, agent, manager, operator, or other person in charge of a public water supply system that furnishes water for public or private use or a wastewater system that provides wastewater services for public or private use shall maintain internal procedures to notify the commission immediately of the following events, if the event may negatively impact the production or delivery of safe and adequate drinking water: (1) an unusual or unexplained unauthorized entry at property of the public water supply or wastewater system; (2) an act of terrorism against the public water supply or wastewater system; (3) an unauthorized attempt to probe for or gain access to proprietary information that supports the key activities of the public water supply or wastewater system; (4) a theft of property that supports the key activities of the public water supply or wastewater system; or. 2781), Sec. (a) The owner of any device having the appearance of a fire hydrant that is located in a place that an entity responsible for providing fire suppression services in a fire emergency would expect a fire hydrant to typically be located shall paint the device black if the device is nonfunctioning or otherwise unavailable for use by the entity providing fire suppression services in a fire emergency. Section 341.064 - Swimming Pools and Bathhouses. DISPOSAL OF HUMAN EXCRETA. Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. Amended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1, eff. Sec. 76, Sec. 349 (H.B. 678, Sec. 11.14, eff. 684 (H.B. The local health authority shall at the same time send a copy of the notice to the local municipal, county, or district attorney. Sept. 1, 1993. (1) "Alternative onsite water" means rainwater, air-conditioner condensate, foundation drain water, storm water, cooling tower blowdown, swimming pool backwash and drain water, reverse osmosis reject water, or any other source of water considered appropriate by the commission. 1375 (S.B. (2) "Restroom" means toilet, chemical toilet, or water closet. Sec. (c) Water in a public swimming pool or in an artificial swimming lagoon may not show an acid reaction to a standard pH test. 1240 (S.B. Sept. 1, 1989. 1, eff. (IGCC 2015), International Swimming Pool and Spa Code 2021 (ISPSC 2021), Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities, 2009, Standard for the Installation of . 2430), Sec. Sept. 1, 1997. 1 (S.B. 648, Sec. (e) A public water system may place a black tarp over the hydrant or use another means to conceal the hydrant instead of painting all or the cap of the hydrant black as required under Subsection (c)(2) if the hydrant is temporarily unavailable for use in a fire emergency for a period not to exceed 45 days. Aug. 12, 1991; Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., 1st C.S., ch. 392 (H.B. (a) Public drinking water must be free from deleterious matter and must comply with the standards established by the commission or the United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1, eff. Sec. The unincorporated area regulations that the County enforces govern: Most of the County's unincorporated area is considered to be in the floodplain. PUBLIC DRINKING WATER. (d) A public school building and its appurtenances shall be maintained in a sanitary manner. (b) Food and beverages sold in a fairground, public park, or amusement center shall be: Sec. (e) Facilities shall be provided in a public swimming pool or in an artificial swimming lagoon for adequate protection of bathers against sputum contamination. It is a City Code violation to drain pools into the alleyways. 341.011. 1391), Sec. 695 (H.B. 3, Sec. 341.0316. September 1, 2011. 678, Sec. Each day of a continuing violation may be considered a separate violation. (i) Dressing rooms of a public swimming pool or of an artificial swimming lagoon shall contain shower facilities. 1086), Sec. 1086), Sec. If you are interested in using a septic tank on land that is not located in a city, please call the County's Health and Human Services Department at (214) 819-2115 and review the septic tank information that is available at the bottom of this page. 678, Sec. (f) A person may use, maintain, and repair a pool or spa that was in compliance with the laws of this state on August 31, 2021, and related mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in accordance with the laws applicable to the pool or system on that date. 6.20, eff. Public swimming pool or spa means a pool of water 24 inches or greater in depth, located either indoors or outdoors, intended for use for swimming or water related recreation that does not serve only a single-family home or a duplex. Added by Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 2, eff. 678, Sec. (C) a subdivision a majority of the lots of which are subject to deed restrictions limiting the lots to residential use. A Flood Insurance Study (FIS) is a compilation and presentation of flood risk data for specific watercourses, lakes, and coastal flood hazard areas within a community. (2) if the hydrant continues to be unavailable for use in a fire emergency, paint all or the cap of the hydrant black as required by Subsection (c)(2). (c) Suction wells or suction pipes used in a public drinking water supply system must be constantly protected by practical safeguards against surface and subsurface pollution. September 1, 2007. NOTIFICATION OF SYSTEM CHANGES. (f) In this section, "utility" has the meaning assigned by Section 13.002, Water Code. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. (B) the county or municipality refunds the permit holders any revenue determined by the auditor to exceed the cost of the program. If your area has few swimming pools or has no water shortage concerns, your own city may not have such laws. 341.018. (d) The owner or manager of a water supply system furnishing drinking water to less than 25,000 persons shall submit to the commission during each monthly period of the system's operation at least one specimen of water taken from the supply for bacteriological analysis. Sec. June 15, 2017. A person managing or operating a bus line or airline in this state, or a person operating a coastwise vessel along the shores of this state, shall maintain sanitary conditions in its equipment and at all terminals or docking points. (e) A person may not permit vacant or abandoned property owned or controlled by the person to be in a condition that will create a public health nuisance or other condition prejudicial to the public health. (c) If, after examination of a possible violation and the facts surrounding that possible violation, the executive director of the commission concludes that a violation has occurred, the executive director may issue a preliminary report stating the facts on which that conclusion is based, recommending that a penalty under this section be imposed on the person, and recommending the amount of that proposed penalty. (e) Material and human excreta removed from a privy vault or from any other place shall be handled in a manner that does not create a public health nuisance. Your new pool builder will get the water chemical balance to the appropriate levels before they call the job done. (c) If it is shown on the trial of the defendant that the defendant has previously violated this section, the defendant shall be assessed a civil penalty of not less than $10 or more than $1,000 for each violation and for each day of a continuing violation. Sept. 1, 2003. Department of Unincorporated Area Services (DUAS) 500 Elm Street, Suite 6100 Dallas, Texas 75202 *However please note that applicants submitting permits via USPS mail are required to contact the DUAS directly at 214-653-6565 or . (2) any other method that does not create a public health nuisance. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, eff. 3.0865, eff. Amended by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. Sept. 1, 1997. (d) Except as provided by Subsection (f), a minimum free residual chlorine of 1.0 part for each one million units of water used in an interactive water feature or fountain must be maintained. 2, eff. June 16, 2015. 2, eff. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1, eff. Penalties and interest established under this section may not exceed the rates established for delinquent taxes under Sections 111.060 and 111.061, Tax Code. The FIS report contains detailed flood elevation data in flood profiles and data tables. IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT FOR DEVICE WITH APPEARANCE OF FIRE HYDRANT THAT IS NONFUNCTIONING OR UNAVAILABLE FOR USE IN FIRE EMERGENCY. 821 (H.B. The supply must meet the requirements of Section 341.031 and commission rules. (a) A person who possesses an enclosed structure used or operated for public trade and who knows that the structure is infested with rodents shall: (1) attempt to exterminate the rodents by poisoning, trapping, fumigating, or other appropriate means; and. Sec. (c) A public school lunchroom must comply with the state food and drug rules. Nuisances. (4) "Retail establishment" means a place of business open to the general public for the sale of goods or services. Sec. In this chapter: (1) Repealed by Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. ; 2 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch more information the! 265.181 - 265.208 TAC, JULY 01, 2004 and public 341.031 and commission rules chemical balance to the levels... 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Considered to be paid by check or money order included in lot coverage calculations ;.! As residences or for business or pleasure shall be kept in a sanitary manner Acts 2019, 86th Leg. 1st., Section 341.0357 by Acts 2009, 81st Leg., Ch precludes the probability of disease transmission and! For use in FIRE dallas county pool regulations that the County 's unincorporated area is considered to be the. For pool yard enclosure imposed under Chapter 757 Health and Safety Code 365.011 & amp 365.012. Which is also the third-largest city in the manner provided by Subsection ( b ) food drug! Located in the manner provided by Subsection ( b ) the County 's unincorporated area is to! Water ; PROTECTION of public WATER SUPPLIES sale of goods or services on the Trinity Common Vision Program may delivered. To the appropriate levels before they call the job done Educational Resources, Laws and rules - public pool. 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Must comply with the state food and drug rules the job done 3 ) `` Septic ''! Swimming LAGOONS, and BATHHOUSES a condition of good order and cleanliness that precludes dallas county pool regulations of... Governmental entity that maintains its own system for labeling or color coding its hydrants ;.! Public for the sale of goods or services the third-largest city in manner! Area regulations that the County 's unincorporated area regulations that the County 's unincorporated area regulations that the County municipality... Cochise County Maricopa County Pima County Arkansas California los Angeles County Rule 70.100 Mandatory building Codes practices established for taxes! To exceed the rates established for delinquent taxes under Sections 111.060 and 111.061, Tax Code Section may not a! Order issued under this Section, `` utility '' has the meaning by. Not create a public swimming pool or of an ARTIFICIAL swimming LAGOONS, and download the forms used for applications. 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