It is a small- to medium-sized snake, with adult lengths averaging 2 to 3 feet. They also will consume other snake species and occasionally birds and frogs. Black rat snakes take even longer, sometimes requiring 7 years to reach maturity, or even 10 years in the case of females. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Snelling, MN. Conserv. [citation needed] Both of these scenarios can be prevented by avoiding hiking through areas of low visibility (in rattlesnake country) when not wearing shoes and long pants and by leaving the snakes alone if encountered. 1991. The massasauga ( Sistrurus catenatus ) is a rattlesnake species found in midwestern North America from southern Ontario to northern Mexico and parts of the United States in between. 1533 pp. Breakthroughs in the medical field have even resulted in medications for hypertension and diabetes from rattlesnake venom. You might mistake the adult snakes rattle for the buzz of an insect. If you cant see the tail (and for the handful of stealth Massasaugas that have lost their rattle and now have tails that end in a stub), look for some of the other field marks that distinguish the snake from other species (field marks are characteristics that help to identify birds, butterflies, and even snakes!). [2], According to Campbell and Lamar (2004), a population also exists in southeastern Colorado that is morphologically somewhat intermediate between S. c. tergeminus and S. c. Massasaugas now mainly occur in disjunct, isolated populations and have been afforded some level of legal protection in every state or province within its range. Movements and habitat utilization by the massasauga, S. c. catenatus. It is one of only three venomous snakes in Pennsylvania. Massasaugas are rare in Michigan and it is not common for . These sightings appear to cluster in several regions across the Lower Peninsula, indicating areas where massasaugas may be concentrated. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) is a unique and fascinating part of Michigan's natural heritage. Over the past century, the eastern massasauga has declined from 19 populations in six counties to only four isolated populations in Butler and Venango counties. A male desert Massasauga rattlesnake associates romance during courtship by rubbing its chin on the forehead and neck of the female while looping its tail over hers as an affectionate gesture. Most people's first thought when they think of rattlesnakes is dry, dusty country or high desert. Allowed HTML tags: