Just answer those ten questions, and get on with your life! I said that I still respectfully declined the survey. I didnt think so. The gov has lost what is called common sense and buried it under a ton of manure. They don't want the constituents who elected them to be harassed. It is so obvious that the same person keeps responding over and over here. They are not! The Census Bureau takes measures to reduce the number of surveys you may be selected to participate in, but it is still possible that you could be selected for more than one. Direct taxes are inherently unfair because one state, with ten percent of the population, might be one of the richest states while another state, with the same percentage of the population, might be one of the poorest. I am absolutely livid right now. I got the ACS forms and I am scared to be fined. I guess it's too simple, or full of common sense. I served my country in Vietnam. Have received two of the ACS forms, both went into the garbage. This is ridiculous. I won't either. anon10731 is obviously a census worker!!!!!! Especially after reading the comments on this page. im a normal 27 year old female, trying to live my life. There are two adults and two children living at this residence. The census is satanic. One fact I see missing is that they say you are cheating you state and city out of government funds (our tax dollars). At the very least, if you are going to refuse to do the census, try to be respectful, as some of the census workers are former military. What we have here is a violation of HIPAA. Yet, he also said that the American Community Survey is continuing. At first, I completed the survey, sealed it in the envelope, and then did not send it. 04-13-2021 07:27 AM. The Google Analytics opt-out add-on is designed to be compatible with Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Microsoft Edge. Got this survey in the mail and opened it and started reading the questions and couldn't believe it I was so pissed off, it's really none of their business. The survey is clearly an invasion of privacy, and any attempts of the ACS to pursue a fine for failure to submit the survey should be challenged in a court of law on unconstitutional and invasion of privacy grounds. Every year, the U.S. Census Bureau contacts over 3.5 million households across the country to participate in the American Community Survey. After reading the notes on this site, I decided - ACSdestination, shredder. I do not want to tell anyone personal info, much less someone who lives next door to me! Fix this problem, fix that, insure this, promise that, but do it without any info, just throw a dart and hope for the best, then when it fails we'll have someone to blame it on, but it won't be our fault! This crap has been going on for almost a month now! By the way, from what I read in Title 13, the max they can fine you is $100 for not filling out the form, or max $500 for false information. There is an actual law on the books, but that law has never been applied. I see no reason to comply. And those people were gathered up and sent to internment camps. A week later, a woman came to my door and said they hadn't received my form. If, as you say, all of this info can be found online already, then get it online, without my help. Everyone tells me to throw it in the trash! Do you think Cass Sunstein knowing how many people, of what age, have physical and emotional disabilities is for the benefit of your family? We have 273 people living in this house with no plumbing, I go to work at 2 a.m. and get home at 2:30. This is how those rich people are rich, those "powerful" people are "powerful", and those happy people are happy. Under the rule of apportionment, Virginia would have been responsible for 30 percent of the tax. Most people allow themselves to be bullied and are afraid of breaking some law. Learn more about about the opt-out and how to properly . Your response to the 2020 Census cannot replace your answers to these other surveys. I've been through it. they will tell you its the law, but since when do we have to answer to the government who lives in our house and who they are related to and what time we go to work, what time to we return? That this money is funding from the government, which makes it socialism. These statistics deliver valuable information for local officials and organizations who provide resources and services to your community. Does this person have difficulty doing errands alone such as doctor's visits or shopping? What they dont tell you is that the information is available to a long list of private corporation, research agencies and think tanks, who use the information to justify and pursue their own agendas. I filled it out. From (original) Poster 188: Knock on wood, the phone calls seem to have stopped. They say they are from the U.S. Dept of Commerce. so i will protect myself and my privacy and never give in just for the fact its my right!!!!!!!!! The Census Act of 1976 specifically prohibits the use of statistical sampling in the creation of congressional districts. If that's so, why is there a space for your name, date of birth and so much other identifying information that a blind man could identify the author of the answers. That's why every selfish person here complains that the government doesn't use resources in the right place; the government waits too long to address problems; the government wastes money. So why would the government hire a company such as ACS to dig into our lives? Some surveys involve multiple interviews in order to learn how characteristics such as income, employment, housing, or education change over time. Let me get this straight: we cannot ask an illegal alien for papers because of racial profiling but we can try to force american citizens to fill out the ACS which has profiling information in every question? Click Update Preferences to ensure the changes are applied. However, the staff search function on our website will identify our field representatives by name and email address, if you wish to verify that they work for the Census Bureau. I am not telling them anything. and gently close the door. We need to take a stand and not put up with all the socialist crap the government wants us to do. (ACS questions 1, 3 and 4), 3. Sad, but I simply do not trust the government anymore. "is your name blah blah blah?" Pericles, 460BC. Locating the areas experiencing the most significant challenges and directing additional attention - including new resources - towards them could result in meaningful reductions in homelessness. I'm contacting my congressman on this ACS issue today. Finally, she asked me if I was refusing to answer the questions and if I wanted her to put that down. The BIG 2010 census count is coming soon. In the article above, it mentions the fine is per offense; but I did not read that anywhere in Title 13. Therefore I respectfully request that you take appropriate measures to end your department's distribution of this survey. It's all very true, and very real. This is just crap. First of all, get a clue! I told them there is a problem if they are not getting their mail. We are so far from what our forefathers prayerfully constructed as a government that it will take a real miracle from heaven for a national revival now. You have a file and they are trying to use changes in your life situation to justify government programs. I told them they were barking up the wrong tree and they need to follow the U.S. Now they called again and wanted to ask these questions over the phone. I never thought at age 47 that I would ever see our country go this far the the left. And the Justice Dept is not going to spend time on this. However, we will make it quite clear we will accept the risk and continue to take this stand. In summary: All banks must develop initial and annual privacy notices. The rest I will leave blank or make up. how much to start our businesses etc. If threatened with a fine or even prison, I will say, "Bring it on!" (ACS question number 33). I think when they show up at my door, I will tell them I am house sitting for the owners who are out of town for the next six months. You can opt-out at any time. I got another call tonight, but was not here to take the call. I'm so glad I'm not alone. Do some research for "0810" without the quotes and you'll find that OMM no. We told a census worker to come back on Friday at 6 p.m. Ridiculous. Fine. We received the form last spring. I clearly refused the first polite guy who called and then more firmly refused the stern woman who called next. You get the picture. The Census Bureau uses sampling methods to select households that represent a cross-section of the population of the United States. "Only a few questions"? I did this and then disposed of the form. And when I'm asked what my address is, I'll respond with, "I pay taxes, look it up.". Here are the facts I discovered: Some of the questions asked in this questionnaire are so intrusive that I would not even give this information to my best friends or relatives. I am a law abiding American citizen, tax payer (working 2 jobs) and a registered voter, not a criminal or bum or illegal immigrant living off the tax payers. May the Lord grant my fellow citizens victory in their battles with this unconstitutional invasion of privacy, too. What can I expect? Somehow big brother got out phone number (it's unlisted) and started calling, and we blocked him. Who are these people and why are they telling me I am obligated by law to provide my personal information to some one or some entity I don't know. Hence, you have answered the only question required by the constitution and you might have even increased the possibility for more representatives! That includes visitors then which would not be falsifying info. I assumed I did it wrong, so I filled out the second one and sent that in. I asked them what does my birthday have to do with enumeration count of my household? Contact the Census Bureau by phone or email if you have additional questions or if you just have concerns and need to speak to a person who can assist you. In order to do that people response is required. Attempting to use scare tactics to get personal information - nice. With Halloween right around the corner, how about scare the crap out of them. Lock Unfortunately, the second time my husband gave in, as he felt we would get fined and was tired of the threats. Millions of dollars wasted! I am a tax paying, hard working citizen, who would die fighting for my country and my rights, but didn't our forefathers already settle this fight? Even the IRS does not ask such personal questions as to how our private lives are lived each day. You are! He harassed her a little and had fun with it and she was on her way. Granted, I'm sure they can find it, but the census would have had to use some powers beyond their department to find it, since I intentionally left that form blank on the 2010 census. The second visit, I handed him a sealed census envelope, and he came back and left a note that the computer kicked it out. Wow! My sister and I are fuming over these forms. of Commerce rep, and called on my cell phone. The Economic Census and other business surveys are authorized under Title 13. I received the ACS form yesterday and read it through just to see the questions. Poster 209: I believe that it is better to clearly refuse up front. I filled out the decennial census. I have yet to fill one out. I am sure that will go far. As long as there are enough people who didn't fill out the census? After reading through the 28 pages of questions the second time (not 28 questions but 28 *pages* of them), I decided to do my research. It may take up to 48 hours for the changes to go into . I did some research over the summer after I found out about the ACS from reading a WSJ article. Poster 235 is on to something: maybe my neighborhood can get a new school, a new hospital, and a new fire station. Three days later, the supervisor came out. Seriously, do I really have to answer and return the american community survey? I am not saying that the US government would or could ever go to this extreme but, for the purposes of garnering ever more political power and authority over the citizenry, I have no illusions about how far this government will go. She said they don't do that. We aren't answering these questions for anyone unless they show up and arrest me and a judge makes me do it in court. They do NOT enforce noncompliance, because they know this survey is UNAmerican and UNConstitutional and would NOT stand up in a court of law against The People. Even in police states, they don't ask these questions asked by the Census Bureau for the ACS. A previous post said this is the American Communist survey. I will sleep well tonight. Publication of the new marital data is anticipated in late 2009. i told her no, she kept asking, i kept telling her no and eventually snuck in my apartment when she drove to park. Some surveys such as theHousehold Pulse Survey may contact you via text message. With the census bureau losing over 600 laptops, and the current abuses of power, I see no reason to give out the information that they are asking. Has anyone really admittedly shown that proof that they got fined? If people answer the survey maybe they will get the funding to have proper educational programs. If at some point they insist you are declining, plead the Fifth Amendment. And everyone should have to fill out the same thing-how come I get the long form every time? I am glad I am not myself the lunatic fringe. We then engaged in a bit of "palaver" in which she said that they can require us to answer any question they want because "it's in the Constitution". The latest thing they are doing is having the postal carrier come to my door and have me sign a delivery confirmation. He came by every hour starting at 6 Thursday. It's a breath of fresh air. So glad I found this site. Mykel. I just got my request from ACS today, late july 2010. Now.I look forward to answering that door, cell in hand, and pressing the "video record" button. Protect yourselves and your privacy, don't complete the form! What a waste of taxpayer dollars our government is spending having these census takers harass us. From reading here, it looks like disclosing phone numbers is just an additional way of eventually breaking you down. If I receive the same treatment again, I may consider filing a class action lawsuit. The 24-page survey, which can be found on the Bureau's website, is sent out to about 2.5% of the American population to collect statistical information for city planning. And you just know that if I answer a survey about college, they will just send me another next year and keep tracking me. Good grief! Your response to the 2020 Census cannot replace your answers to these other surveys. We just got the letter today, to expect the questionnaire. Mine went in the shredder, and I ignored the phone calls. As a university student in my early 20s, I returned to school after the summer and mid-semester was called down to my dorm supervisor's office one night. Well it started for me. I even downloaded a sound bite that said this number has been disconnected and is no longer in service. BTW my survey went into the guinea pig cage, it will come out the same it went in: crap. Is the enemy offshore or some creep in a bloated Federal Dept we don't even need? How can I verify that a caller is a Census Bureau employee? When you respond to the survey, you are doing your part to ensure decisions about your community can be made using the best data available. Outraged in Maryland. After giving it some thought, I felt compromised by the invasive questions asked, and decided that my right to privacy was surely being violated. Don't fill out anything if you don't want the public to know some of your private information. But my favorite is if anyone in my house has difficulty concentrating, remembering things or making decisions, or difficulty dressing or bathing. Wrong. The last time that happened was more than 40 YEARS ago. We are entitled to "Quiet Enjoyment" of our homes. When I saw the personal and invasive nature of recent Census, I was irate. A lock ( I plead the 5th amendment because the government can ask legally, according to the attorneys office, but I can also remain silent legally. That's the truth. In 2000 I placed a large sprinkler by my front door. Verify a Census Bureau Survey, Mailing, or Contact. About how much do you think this house and lot, apartment, or mobile home would sell for if it were for sale? I don't want abuse from anyone, least of all from those who were once subject to the people and who now act as if they are the elite. When are they going to get the hint and stop? Can I file a harassment claim somewhere? Don't be paranoid, it's only a few questions a lot of people already know about you anyway. On the back of the ACS form it states: "Respondents are not required to respond to any information collection unless it displays a valid approval number from the Office of Management and Budget.". Then they came to my door while I was out of town and left me a note with their name and number. For example, lets say in 1790, two years after the ratification of the Constitution, Congress prepared a budget and decided to impose a direct tax to raise the needed revenue. Its about an obnoxiously intrusive survey, based on a lie about fire stations and such, done in a not so anonymous manner, by people who are often temporary workers and thus lack accountability for the privacy of the information they take. @CalminHeart wrote: Here's what it says online: The American Community Survey is a legitimate survey conducted by the CensusBureau. I work for a defense contractor, and when I applied for a security clearance, there were way fewer questions, and much less invasive than were on the ACS long form. . How long it . I have been harassed day and night. What things do we never ask for? 12286: Don't worry, and don't respond. And finally, to the person who looked up the Census rep's name then mentioned her husband had called and wanted her to stop at the store so she looked at him in shock? I have one final question for anyone who thinks this is just an overreaction to a few census questions: If George Bush and Dick Cheney were sitting in the White House, and Halliburton was storing the data, would you still feel the same way? The laws that provide the authority for conducting the ACS are Title 18 U.S.C. While we understand your assertion that this information is needed for some reason deemed important by somebody, and that the information requested will be kept strictly confidential, I respectfully decline to participate in this American Community Survey, and request that you do not misdirect further efforts to gather this private information about the members of my household from either myself or any other source. During the past year and especially with the current administration in D.C., I am so angry and distrustful of our government. Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). There were laws in place to protect those people and they were not protected. This person has stopped to "chat" with the neighbors, asking who lives in our home, how many people, what their names are, what our schedules are. "Isn't that enough?" The highly sensitive personal information provided on the ACS form gets keyed into a master data bank. I told them I was not responding, and as I shut the door and walked away she stood on the porch and rang the bell, and since then it's all gone down hill. Tuition and fees plus room and board for a four-year private college averaged $50,770 in the 2020-21 school year; at four-year, in-state public colleges, it was $22,180, according to the College . (Don't worry there are no cops or former cops that are census workers. Apparently my post office would not send it to me. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. United we stand divided we fall. A mortgage deduction should indicate I own a house; a 1099 with either unemployment compensation or reported income would indicate whether I am unemployed or self-employed. It's not good politics. If they are unable to reach you, they may leave a message with a case ID associated with your survey. As one post on this site said "bring it on.". I remember the paperwork that I signed, highlighted the fact that it was a temporary position with no benefits of any sort. I am wondering is a night time visit legal? Are You in a Survey? I will pay the fine if that is what it takes. Ultimately, you might just need to either answer the census to get them to stop coming or, as an alternative, make up answers to protect your privacy. This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned. But seriously, It's not about conspiracy theories. If you had a wife who had been sexually assaulted, would you want the time you left for and came home from work circulated? I had the misfortune of getting an ACS survey a few years ago. This also happened the last time. With two teen daughters, I don't want anyone having any extra information. It does make an interesting snapshot of america. This was mailed to me approximately three months ago. We did not return the census, and received continuous letters and threats. The law in Title 13 exists solely for the purpose of being able to print the treat on the forms and to use to intimidate scared grandmothers. Just because some bureaucrat says that U.S. Code, Title 13 makes the American Community Survey legal and enforceable, the test of time will surely prove that it is not. I asked my accountant about them and he recommended not to fill them out. We change so quickly now compared to 40-50 years ago. So glad I came across this website while researching whether or not I had to respond to this stupid ACS I just got in the mail. Maintaining the privacy of your survey answers is important to us. Over a college survey they want me to take. Maybe you'll get a new hospital! The Founding Fathers wanted the power to stay with the people - but it took a revolution to secure it. I do believe that the census information is mostly kept private though after a period of years or decades, it may become public.
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