I had fought and beaten Maybe I have a chance, after all, she mused. Sure, a lot of people you thought were friends turned out to be using you. Dumbledore looked at his two professors with dismay. Albus Dumbledore was made immortal by Hogwarts a Long Time ago. She remembered a conversation she had had with her mother only a few days earlier. Without waiting for a reply, he dove back into his assigned task. His daughter blushed. Harry Potter strode confidently down Privet Drive. Standing, she patted Harry on the shoulder. He's handsome, he's rich and he's famous. Answer him!" But Harry knows he's falling for his mate easily. Draco tries to negotiate life after late-stage pregnancy loss. The phoenix bobbed its head and trilled at him. suffering unless I'm forced to. "The Headmaster has only your best interests in mind, Harry. Before my battle with Voldemort, I recall receiving a letter from Gringotts. "You have your revenge.". "Yes, it's real gold. She filed that away for future consideration. he wheezed out before falling over in booming, asphyxiating laughter. She blinked and narrowed her eyes at him. "Well, I'm not going out with Ron anymore, Mum. HELP ME, PLEASE! The figure turned and eyed him for a moment. Their healer, Ginny Thomas, was sure they had doubled their life spans. "As Harry stated, he required Madam Pomfrey. You know, you're a lot prettier with no clothes on. Harry chuckled and shook his head at her antics. Then it happened. appreciative. This time I'd love some fanfictions were Harry just gives up on Britain because they simply don't deserve his fighing for them because of everything they've done to him, from unpunished bullying at Hogwarts (Malfoy, Snape, Slytherin's and other students - Heir of Slytherin, GOF ("Potter stinks! That he was sitting on nothing was extraordinary enough, but he had done the magic without a wand or an had him concentrating on his image while moving between just three forms. Couldn't you have brought Snape along? "Aye, m'lord, no regrets. I didn't force them to leave the school, I just forced their families into bankruptcy. "Considering the evidence we reviewed, you're lucky you're not being sent to Azkaban. MUST I? Now Harry has to decide what is more important to him. ", "No, but that doesn't mean I can't use it. Hermione asked. Hermione eyed him uncertainly, but nodded in acceptance. "Enlighten us, Mister Potter.". looks and lie about who I am, but that's no way to start a relationship. Pity, that. The Statute is torn to pieces, as is the United Kingdom eventually. Hundreds of students often, the ones that left a mark were the ones she couldn't help. I don't intend to talk about it anymore. So you see, Petunia is Voldemort was dead, and they would be picking up pieces of some of his Death Eaters from Privet The old man stood and smiled down at him. Both seemed to know where the other was at any given point. wooden leg while he was tracking me. They think only in terms of absolutes. Light and Dark. The healer scowled and pushed past the Order member guarding the door. The smart ones will think about it, though. McGonagall and Snape paused behind the two, surprised at Harry's reply. "The truth? Thanks in advance for any suggestions. "She was seriously put out with me after that. Bury them in Begonias," Harry laughed. Seeing he couldn't get his good for nothing nephew's temper to rise, Vernon Dursley grunted and indicated the cupboard that had doubled as Harry's bedroom for close to ten years. "Bellatrix was a stain that needed removing. "Do you really think I'm pretty, Harry?" Rosie's words echoed in his head and he wanted to write Hermione, but he knew, as a friend of his, she would be closely watched by the Order. ", Harry smirked and pointed to the door. Nunnally vi Britannia/Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Cornelia li Britannia & Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Prince Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, The Girl Who Lived; Legends Never Die (Remastered), Harry Potter/Yukimura Seiichi - main pairing, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Jimmy | Solidarity/Scott | Smajor1995 | Dangthatsalongname, Clay | Dream/Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Author is a Clay | Dream Apologist (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream and TommyInnit are Siblings (Video Blogging RPF), Elf Scott | Smajor1995 | Dangthatsalongname, Blood God Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade Hears Voices (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo Has Anxiety Disorder (Video Blogging RPF), What Matters is That We're Here, Not How We Got Here, Albus Dumbledore & Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I just like the idea that Hogwarts made him immortal, while tom is running around like a chicken w/out its head. I don't show you the really bad No, that wasn't something he needed to do here in public! Two actually. Dobby's eyes snapped over to stare with revulsion at Vernon. He was angry, but a part of him was standing up and cheering. They were just waiting for him to be released from Mowing, washing, weeding, cooking, cleaning . nightmares of her loss and the deaths he had caused. You know what that does to a child! spell cast by the old fart here. His aunt and the neighbor, Clementine Popplewell, from number three had discussed number three's newest resident: an american. No warrior can ask for more than that, nor should we want to. "Harry, that is quite enough. "I don't know, Remus, but we must take steps," Dumbledore replied sagely. "He is," insisted Parvati. "Now the fun begins," he whispered, then he gently kissed her on the cheek and nuzzled her ear. But the people he wanted to talk to hadn't shown up yet. When I turned sixteen, I received an owl from Gringotts asking me to drop in to talk to them about some accounts." There will be bizarre theories and strange forgotten stuff. The bird trilled happily. "Huh? Victory Day by: WhiteWave14. him about all the things going on outside of his hospital room door. really alarming. Vernon loudly asked, staring at the eclectically dressed house-elf. For the next hour the old man walked around Harry, straightening his posture and talking him through some very basic steps of Tai Chi. In a world where Sybil Trelawney is never born, the prophecy remains, but goes unheard. You won't see stories with a lower score when you browse or search. During that time, everything else seemed to vanish; it was just Hedwig in his mind. His answer relieved her and excited her. This 'snake will help him through his journey into the magical world. her father. There are Besides, my two Wizengamot seats "I'm sorry, Ronald, but this seat is taken. Harry had been suffering at the Dursleys and cut off from knowing about what was going on in the Wizarding World. She could understand how he felt. redeeming qualities. She'd never had this type of conversation with her dorm mates before. You might even learn something. making it into Ravenclaw, but it still blows me away that Nobby went into Slytherin. The only place they hadn't found was his little spot in Scotland where he had his tent. If I wanted revenge, I'd see you sent to prison. From what I understand, there is more money coming my way from my Godfather, but the Goblins Look at Ginny and Neville. family can find some measure of peace from it. Harry's eyes grew distant for a moment, then there was a flash of light. Harry stepped out of his tent and stretched. The rest had been arrested and released. Pushing open the door, he entered a small outer office with a receptionist. asked the old man. Your assets include controlling interests in one hundred and sixty seven Ministry Undecided! Most times I don't need a wand, or even an incantation, I just visualize the effects I want and it happens," he told her. La batalla que todos quisimos verLa batalla que todos quisimos ver Survivor - 2WEI & Edda Hayes. It seemed like time had come to a standstill and a sense of serene calmness enveloped him. He shot her a worried look and made a decision to talk to her later. What if he is selfish and wants to live? ", Dumbledore, standing beside the retired Auror, grasped his hand, stilling his movement. Like i said in the title, id prefer if he continues his studies in magic or something else and im fine with crossovers. Why does nothing ever go his way for long? The Headmaster didn't like the way this encounter was heading. Without It meant that someday he could achieve the same thing. companies and individuals that practice discrimination.". The announcement so enraged Vernon that he went off the deep end. etc.) The head of the Goblin Nation routinely refused to see heads of state, and yet here he was, asking Harry for a meeting. Really? I came because I sensed your MY FAVORITE Unfortunately, visions and rebels dont allow that and Harry soon catch the attention of the dark lord. "The Board has already procured the services of some highly recommended individuals to fill these positions. He noted that the teachers were still seated and looked around for a chair. MY NEW THEO NOTT FANFICTION IS OUT!! He had always wanted to sightsee in London, and that was exactly what he was doing. When Aberforth leaned closer to check on him, Albus vomited, soaking his brother's robe and beard with the foul smelling substance. Just take this to her and leave immediately. Flashing the man a look of contempt, he straightened and vanished from sight. he asked. Harry appeared at the apparation point. Crookshanks stood and backed away from the bear, fuzzing up and hissing as he went. When the adults walked toward the Professors table, several students stood up, seeing their parents in the crowd. Her eyes grew huge and she started CPR when she couldn't find it. Harry leaves Britain Good godfather Sirius Black Sirius and Harry bonding Sirius and Harry Saturday When Harry gets Arthur Weasley's letter after the Dementor Attack in which he's treated like a bad child and told nothing, Harry says 'Screw This' and leaves Britain permanently. He never wanted The bottoms of his Harry's expression darkened. The beam flew down the corridor he had created, while his magic worked frantically to alter the context of the spell hurtling at him. Well Harry found a loophole in the Triwizard Tournament. "Oh, he's wonderful," cooed Parvati. Lavender asked. In a bold move that The spell hit the Death Eater in the center and he exploded in flame, catching the You can't fix everything but we'll keep trying. Through the influence of Percy Weasley, the Burrow stayed well in 'Wizarding England.'. interested in controlling Mr. Potter's life. At the Gryffindor table, a Phoenix arrived with a delivery for Harry Potter. Harry smirked. ", Harrington eyed Snape with disdain. That was until she discovered that fate wasnt quite finished with her yet, as she received a rather strange letter one day. Harry looked around the hall and smirked. You and your Order of the Phoenix are only marginally he asked her softly. With the Hogwarts students held hostage, the Ministry has surrendered. in his belly. he said with a sneer. percent, with the remaining four percent to go to a muggle trust that will be approved of by both myself and Ragnok," Harry said, then he smirked. "I did. Orphan boy to Hero of Albion. Dumbledore had never returned to Hogwarts, following the lawsuit. What if the child prodigy Thomas Riddle had tweaked the horcrux spell before creating them? Both men fired stunners and Harry, using his magic to give himself a boost, leapt over the spells, arcing high into the air I think if you learned how to apply a little makeup, he'd . Oh, don't get me wrong. Something approaching starvation level sustenance and constant verbal and mental abuse. But she can see them and others as well. etc. The spell hit the asphalt and showered him with a near lethal spray of rock chips. "So you intend to force people into accepting your policies? ", "Was the Prophet really accurate in what they reported, Harry?". ", Dumbledore chuckled. Weasley. The door opened, admitting Neville, Luna and Hermione. tent open so she could easily fly outside and hunt for her breakfast. That Flame Repelling Charm would have driven him absolutely nutters. I know I won't," Harry "Thank you, sir knight. He didn't want to be found by other wizards, magically or physically. What if she went to her friend in Seigaku?Read and find out how that changes the lives of Hari and the wizarding world completely and influence the world of Prince of Tennis. BLI called in their markers late yesterday, causing a major Watch popular content from the following creators: Harrypotterstan(@harrypotterstan2), @flaneur11(@ara.black0), gabi(@watercolorpaper), Tessa (@tessagwendolynn), styxaa(@styxaa) . a lost cause, like House Elves. Giving a disgusted look at the mess Dobby was creating, he growled to Harry, "I demand that you pay for our storage of your "Good, good. Trust no one from the Order, including Dumbledore. Harry doesn't know I exist, at least not like that. Harry dodged and cast a shield with his free hand and fired a reductor at the ground in front of the Dark Lord. She's most likely going to be Minister of Magic someday. Shaking himself out of his morbid, nostalgic mood, he stepped to the door and rang the bell. Jack Ryan is owned by: Tom Clancy, Jack Ryan Enterprises, and Putnam Publishing I will own forty eight percent of the new corporation, the Goblins will own another forty eight things I want from you, Hermione, things I want us to do together. Potter?" Works and bookmarks tagged with Harry leaves Britain will show up in Harry Potter Leaves the Wizarding World's filter. landed gently. "Good night, Headmaster, Professors.". "Apologize, Weasley, or I'll pull your liver out through your arsehole," hissed Harry, who was standing a few steps away. For a brief second she could have sworn she'd seen flames. Somehow it didn't surprise her that he had found out Ron and her dating. stopped suddenly and his face contorted in pain. He reached with his mind to see what Harry was thinking, only to be soundly rebuffed. "Are you sure that was smart, Harry? She looked at her own hands and slid to the floor laughing while the aurors and Order members scrambled, trying to figure out who was the real Harry Potter. I'm sorry about what the Order was putting you through. It's something anyone "Er right. Not finding one, he shrugged and sat down on thin air and arranged himself comfortably. ", He paused and looked at Hermione with a slight smile. "After an American named Gates, you are Gringotts second largest depositor world wide. She considered herself rather plain. "I can see why, Harry. To know she ignored the pain of one of her clan brought her deep shame. Umbridge finds a new way to control Harry through a few obscure magical laws. TikTok video from FandomMuse (@fandommuse): "Replying to @ {Ena} YOU ALL WANTED TO KNOW. He was implacable and relentless. Intrigued, Harry sat on She looked upset and he reached across the small table and gripped her hand. It was wonderful, the most perfect revenge that could have possibly happened. Sort by: Hot. He bowed before them, then apparated away, rather than using is usual method of transporting. He helped the boy to his feet and walked him from the room. Is there nothing else that we can do? The attack had come as a total surprise, not just to the Death Eaters, but to Voldemort, who had fully expected to banter with the boy before killing him. Professor Binns will also be replaced.". The physical abuse was there as well, but it was less than continuous. Weasley sat across from them, holding hands with the Thomas boy. Hadrian is an androgynous boy who meets a special snake in the zoo on his cousins eleventh birthday. "I like you, Master Potter. disappointed Sirius would be by it. She sniffed at the flower, scribbled something down on her parchment, and moved to the next question. "You tried to hit her!" Malfoy looked around nervously. She had managed to keep them out of the room itself with a little help from security, but it was becoming increasingly more "And a little chaos will help you, Miss Granger. "I'll get Poppy. "This thing," he said motioning towards Snape, "is universally hated by the students of three houses and the alumni. With that, Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Killed-Voldemort, vanished from the hilltop without a sound. Harry?". Harry placed a large slab of ham on his plate. , cooking, cleaning are you sure that was until she discovered that fate wasnt quite with... A Long time ago pushed past the Order, including Dumbledore he and. His way for Long n't surprise her that he went off the deep end they were just waiting a. What he was angry, but it was less than continuous something approaching starvation sustenance. Had always wanted to sightsee in London, and moved to the door opened, admitting Neville, Luna Hermione... Then he gently kissed her on the cheek and nuzzled her ear Ravenclaw but. 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